This document may not be reproduced in full or in part without the written consent of Marshall Day Acoustics Limited Rp 001 R0 20210601 SJP (Waihi North Noise Assessment) ISSUE 10 of 79 2.2 Hauraki District Plan 2.2.1 General Noise Limits (Section 8.3) Zone Specific Noise Standards The District Plan provides district-wide rules for the assessment of noise in Section 8.3.1. The noise standards outlined in Rule apply to noise received at different sites both within the same zone (part A) and between zones (part B). The relevant noise standards for this project are summarised in Table 1. Figure 3 overleaf presents the District Plan zoning3 over the project area. As well as residential zones, the WNP will generate noise in the Martha Mineral Zone, Rural Zone, Reserve Zones (both Active and Passive), and Conservation (Indigenous Forest) Zone. We note that Part B of the Rule, for noise between zones, does not provide any noise limits that are relevant to this project. There is no specific limit on noise from activities in Rural Zones received in other zones. Noise from within the MMZ is discussed opposite. Table 1: Summary of District Plan noise standards from Rule Site Zoning/Use Noise Level Noise Generator Noise Receiver Time Period dB LAeq (15min) dB LAFmax Part A (within zones) Residential/ Low Density Boundary of any other residential site Day Night 50 40 - 65 Rural Notional boundary of any rural zoned dwelling Day Night 50 40 - 65 Part B (between zones) No rules apply to this project - - - Assessment Matters The District Plan requires (in Rule that noise is measured in accordance with New Zealand Standard NZS 6801:2008 “Acoustics – Measurement of environmental sound” and assessed in accordance with New Zealand Standard NZS 6802:2008 “Acoustics - Environmental Noise”. These are the most recent iterations of these Standards and consistent with the National Planning Standards. The District Plan also refers to any operator’s overarching duty to ensure ongoing compliance with the provisions of the Resource Management Act 1991 (discussed later in Section 2.3.2) and the Health Act 1996. 3 Zone extents obtained from the Waikato LASS Data Portal ‘Zone’ dataset by HDC. Exemptions Some specific noise sources are exempt from compliance with the noise standards, as specified Rule (1)(d). For the avoidance of doubt, we do not consider that any of these are relevant to WNP. 2.2.2 Construction Noise and NZS 6803:1999 Rule (3) provides limits for construction noise and requires management, measurement and assessment in accordance with New Zealand Standard NZS 6803:1999 “Acoustics - Construction Noise”. Of relevance to this project, the Rule applies the ‘Table 2’ limits from NZS 6803:1999, which are reproduced in Table 2 below, to noise received in the following zones that are relevant to this application: • Rural • Marae Development • Residential • Reserve (Passive) • Low Density Residential • Reserve (Active) Table 2: Recommended upper limits for construction noise received in residential zones and dwellings in rural areas (Table 2 of NZS 6803) Time of week Time period Short-term duration (dB) Typical duration (dB) Long-term duration (dB) LAeq LAmax LAeq LAmax LAeq LAmax Weekdays 0630-0730 65 75 60 75 55 75 0730-1800 80 95 75 90 70 85 1800-2000 75 90 70 85 65 80 2000-0630 45 75 45 75 45 75 Saturdays 0630-0730 45 75 45 75 45 75 0730-1800 80 95 75 90 70 85 1800-2000 45 75 45 75 45 75 2000-0630 45 75 45 75 45 75 Sundays and public holidays 0630-0730 45 75 45 75 45 75 0730-1800 55 85 55 85 55 85 1800-2000 45 75 45 75 45 75 2000-0630 45 75 45 75 45 75 The Standard defines the duration of works as follows: • “Short-term” means construction work at any one location for up to 14 calendar days; • “Typical duration” means construction work at any one location for more than 14 calendar days but less than 20 weeks; and • “Long-term” means construction work at any one location with a duration exceeding 20 weeks. For completeness, we note that the Standard provides the following footnotes to the above (paraphrased in brief): Clause 7.2.6 Where there is a relatively high background sound level (L90) due to noise from sources other than construction work, limits should be based on a determination of the existing level of noise in the area (a “background plus” approach). Clause 7.2.7 Where noise cannot be measured outside a building, the upper limits for noise measured inside the building shall be the levels stated minus 20 dBA. 2.2.3 Martha Mineral Zone (Section 5.17) Section 5.17 of the District Plan provides rules for the MMZ. No specific noise limits are provided in this section of the Plan, nor are any limits relevant to the MMZ given in Section Instead, Rule P1 and P2 allow that any activity is permitted if conducted in accordance with the relevant terms and conditions of, and within the area covered by, the Mining Licence and LUC 97/98105 respectively. As previously indicated, while these documents have both now expired, their provisions are adopted by the District Plan. We note that activities covered by these two rules are also exempt from compliance with Rule 8.2.5 (Glare and Lighting) and Rule 8.3.2 (Vibration in the Ground) of the District Plan.