Supporting Technical Assessments

OceanaGold | Waihi North Project | Recreation and tourism assessment 45 7 References Auckland/Waikato Sports Fish & Game Council. 2021. Sports Fish and Game Management Plan for Auckland/Waikato Fish And Game Region 2021 – 2031. Auckland/Waikato Fish & Game Hamilton. Boffa Miskell Limited 2022a. Waihi North Project – Ecological Assessment: Freshwater and Wetland Ecology Values and Effects. Report prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited for OceanaGold (NZ) Ltd. Boffa Miskell Limited 2022b. Waihi North: Landscape, Natural Character and Visual Effects Assessment. Report prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited for OceanaGold New Zealand Limited. Charles, G. 2013. New Zealand Whitewater 5. 180 Great Kayaking Runs. (5th edition) Graham Charles. Department of Conservation. 2014. Waikato Conservation Management Strategy 2014-24. Department of Conservation Hamilton. Egarr, G. 1989. New Zealand’s North Island Rivers: A Guide for Canoeists, Kayakers and Rafters. Nikau Press, Nelson. Egarr, G.D. and Egarr, J.H. 1981. New Zealand Recreational River Survey: An Investigation into the Recreational Potential of New Zealand’s Inland Waterways. Part II: Summaries of North Island Rivers. Water and Soil Miscellaneous Publication no. 14. Published for the New Zealand Canoeing Association by the National Water and Soil Conservation Organisation, Wellington. Heilig & Partners Pty Ltd. 2022. Waihi North Project Blasting and Vibration Assessment. Client report for OceanGold NZ Ltd Kent, J. 2006. North Island Trout Fishing Guide. Reed Publishing, Auckland. Marshall Day Acoustics. 2022. OceanaGold New Zealand – Waihi North Project Assessment of Noise Effects. Client report prepared for OGNZL Richardson, J. Teirney, L. D. Unwin, M. J. 1984. The relative value of Wellington rivers to New Zealand anglers. N.Z. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Fisheries Environmental Report No. 40. Unwin, M. and Brown, S. 1998. The Geography of Freshwater Angling in New Zealand: A summary of results from the 1994/96 National Angling Survey. Prepared by NIWA for Fish & Game New Zealand. NIWA Client Report: CHC98/33, Christchurch. Unwin, M. and Image, K. 2003. Angler usage of lake and river fisheries managed by Fish & Game New Zealand: Results from the 2001/02 National Angling Survey. Prepared by NIWA for Fish & Game New Zealand. NIWA Client Report: CHC2003-114, Christchurch. Unwin, M.J. 2009. Angler usage of lake and river fisheries managed by Fish & Game New Zealand: results from the 2007/08 National Angling Survey. NIWA Christchurch Prepared for Fish & Game New Zealand Unwin, M.J. 2013. Values of New Zealand angling rivers Results of the 2013 National Angling Survey. NIWA Christchurch Prepared for Fish & Game New Zealand Unwin, M.J. 2016. Angler usage of lake and river fisheries managed by Fish & Game New Zealand: results from the 2014/15 National Angling Survey. NIWA Christchurch