Supporting Technical Assessments

OceanaGold | Waihi North Project | Recreation and tourism assessment 44 6 Conclusions Each element of the Waihi North Project is considered below. Additionally, Boffa Miskell (2022a) also considers the ecological effects of all components of the Waihi North Project on tributaries of the Ohinemuri River and proposes a mitigation programme to sustain and improve freshwater ecology values in the catchment – which are of relevance to sustaining the habitat of trout in the catchment. This is a separate assessment to that of the WTP discharge and is reviewed in full in that report. 6.1 Wharekirauponga The location of the proposed four raises on legal road within the Coromandel Forest Park is likely to have very little effect on tramping and pig hunting generally in the Park. However, the location of built structures within recreation remote zones is generally incompatible with the expectations of visitors within such settings. There is therefore likely to be adverse effects on those few trampers who are traversing the Coromandel Range on the Wharekirauponga to Golden Cross Track; and possibly some adverse effects on users of the Corbett Road Track who access as far as the raises, although this is predominantly a pig hunting area. The net effect will remain minor considering the focus of the activities (pig hunting and crossing the Range). Locating the raises to avoid historic tramway lines will minimise effects on recreation access and experiences. These tramway lines – where they exist – are the most obvious forms of track in the area and have potential for future development for improved recreation access. The use of signs and interpretation near the raises will help make them part of the visitor experience, rather than a surprise. Their location will be unlikely to reduce the level of visitor activity in the Coromandel Forest Park considering the motivations of those pig hunting in the area or traversing the Range. 6.2 Gladstone Open Pit The GOP, NRS and TSF3 effects on recreation are limited to:  The inevitable displacement of several recreation activities from private land (with discussions in place to find alternative opportunities);  Noise effects on visitors to Ngāti Koi Domain, specifically at the summit of Black Hill and on its eastern side. Marshall Day Acoustics (2022) describe these as unlikely to cause annoyance to visitors.  Limited effects on landscape values from the summit of Black Hill. Displacement of activity from private land is not considered an adverse effect. Landscape effects are assessed as minor, and noise effects on recreation amenity are low. 6.3 Ohinemuri Treated Wastewater Discharge Considering the findings of Boffa Miskell (2022a) the recreation values of the Ohinemuri River – considering its trout angling, contact recreation and terrestrial recreation values – will be sustained within the current consented operating regime for the discharge, particularly considering that the majority of water contact recreational and angling use of the Ohinemuri River occurs well downstream of the discharge – 13 km approximately for the upstream end of the Karangahake Gorge, for example – and in the case of dry fly angling, upstream of the discharges. Diffuser 1 is located away from any areas of public access and has no effect on recreation amenity. The effect of diffuser 2 on recreation amenity is considered minor due to the low level of recreational use of the site and the low scale of effect.