OceanaGold | Waihi North Project | Recreation and tourism assessment 28 4 Gladstone Open Pit, TSF3 and NRS The proposed Gladstone Open Pit (GOP) is proposed to be situated predominantly over Gladstone Hill with a minor co-joined pit excavated into Winner Hill. A tailings storage facility (TSF3) is proposed to be located east of the existing OGNZL tailings facilities with a rock stack to the north of the existing TSF2 (the Northern Rock Stack (NRS). This report section considers the effects of these three developments on local recreation and tourism activities, including those on private land owned by OGNZL (including the western face of Union Hill), and on users of Ngāti Koi Domain. 4.1 Recreation values Figure 15 shows the location of publicly accessible lands near the GOP, NRS and TSF3 areas, showing also the outline of the proposed working areas including stockpile areas for non-acid forming material that will be used for pit closure and site rehabilitation. All proposed works are confined to private land, apart from an unformed legal road which extends within TSF3 from Trig Road North. This no-exit road is bounded by land owned by OGNZL. Strava heat map data (described in Section 3.2.4 of this report) indicates the routes preferred by cyclists (Figure 16) and runners (Figure 17) near the GOP, NRS and TSF3 sites. There is no activity within or near TSF3, which makes sense considering it is to be located largely on private land, and that the legal road within it is unformed and within developed farmland. Part of the GOP site and the OGNZL-maintained circuit around the base of the Ngāti Koi Domain has been developed for walking and mountain biking, with the cycle network collectively called the Black Hill Mountain Biking Trails. Figure 18 shows the Strava heatmap data for both cycling and running in more detail for near the GOP site and Ngāti Koi Domain, and Figure 19 shows the mountain bike trail locations as defined by Trailforks, an international social media platform for sharing mountain bike track location and status data, adopted by most local authorities and mountain bike clubs in New Zealand as the standard data portal.16 16 See https://www.trailforks.com/trails/map/?activitytype=1&z=15.0&lat=-37.39625&lon=175.86028&m=hybrid Figure 15: Public lands in Gladstone Open Pit and Tailings Storage Facility 3 area. WAMS base map GOP TSF3 Ngāti Koi Domain Union Hill Legal road Reserve land 500m NRS