Supporting Technical Assessments

OceanaGold | Waihi North Project | Recreation and tourism assessment 18 of which there are none in the Hauraki–Coromandel Peninsula Place, are expected to have no provision of visitor services. 3.2.2 Ohinemuri Regional History group track information The Ohinemuri Regional History group describes a range of tracks to heritage settings in the old Ohinemuri County Council boundary area.4 Figure 7 shows the timber tramways and walking tracks local to the study area according to the Ohinemuri online GIS.5 The tramways shown in Figure 7 do not appear to be complete considering the tramways identified during a site visit by this report author. The track locations are described as being sourced from the extensive tramping experience of Chook Sutton and are described collectively as ‘Chook’s Tracks’.6 These tracks are also available as GPX GIS files, based on live records of walks. These are shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9 with the tracks overlaid on an aerial photo and Topomap 1:50,000 respectively. The latter two images also show the alignment of the legal roads in the study area. These indicate the common accessway for the Corbett Road track leading from private land off 4 5!%2CIndustrialMunicipal!%2CWater%20races!%2CDams!%2COre%20tramways!%2CTimber%20tramways%2CECMT%20Railway!%2CH orahora%20transmission%20line!%2COld%20bridle%20or%20walking%20trails%2CChook%27s%20tracks%20waypoints! %2CChook%27s%20tracks%20tracks%2CLegal%20Roads%20HDC!%2CDoC%20Land%20Coromandel%202016!%2CDO C%20Public%20Conservation%20Areas%20NZ!%2CNZ%20Parcel%20Boundaries%20Wireframe!%2CNZ%20Topo50%20 Maps!%2CWaikato%200.5m%20Rural%20Aerial%20Photos%20(20122013)!%2CBay%20of%20Plenty%200.25m%20Rural%20Aerial%20Photos%20(2011%20- %202012)! 6 Figure 7: Ohinemuri Chook’s Trails map with mine tunnel. Source Ohinemuri GIS Timber tramways Corbett Rd to Parakawai Wharekirauponga to Golden Cross Track Potential raises location