Supporting Technical Assessments

OceanaGold | Waihi North Project | Recreation and tourism assessment 17 c) any adverse effects are minimised; d) any structures and link tracks are of a scale and design that are in keeping with the surrounding landscape and anticipated use; and e) any accommodation is available for public use at all times as if it was a Department of Conservation hut. Policy relates to general authorisations for undertaking a commercial activity on DOCadministered land or building a structure, including: f) whether the structure is readily available for public use; g) whether the structure is consistent with the visitor management zone on Map 3 and as described in Appendix 12; h) whether the structure enhances the visitor experience; i) whether the activity promotes or enhances the retention of a historic building; j) whether the activity is a suitable adaptive reuse of an existing building…. The Visitor Management Zones for the study area are defined in Map 11.5 of the CMS. This shows the area to the south of the Waiharakeke Stream South Branch to be a ‘backcountry’ setting, while the area just north is a ‘remote’ setting (Figure 6). Definitions of these Zones are included in Appendix 1 of this report and include expectations for a relatively low level of service provision for visitors to a remote zone and an expectation for a low level of interaction with other visitors, and higher levels of service in backcountry settings and a higher tolerance for interactions with others. Wilderness zones, Figure 6: DOC Visitor management zones. Detail from CMS Vol 2 Map 11.5 Waiharakeke Stream South Branch Potential raises location