Supporting Technical Assessments

OceanaGold | Waihi North Project | Recreation and tourism assessment 14 features in this area is a priority and, where it is safe for visitors, their integration with recreation experiences will be important goals. Recreation opportunities include camping, tramping, visiting historic mining and logging sites, picnicking and hunting. Four-wheel driving, horse riding, and trail bike and mountain bike tracks are available in the Maratoto area, but are currently limited elsewhere on the Peninsula. The track network links the Wentworth Valley to Maratoto and also Maratoto to Golden Cross. The popular Wentworth campsite offers a traditional camping experience and is managed under concession. It receives 13,500 visitors annually and, along with the Wentworth Falls Walk, is managed as a Gateway destination. Other recreation opportunities, such as mountain biking in exotic forest south of Whangamata and the Hauraki Rail Trail, complement those available in this area. Management issues are associated with four-wheel drive vehicle use, and include balancing use by motorised and non-motorised vehicles and other users, and formalising management of an unauthorised campsite in the upper Maratoto Valley/Tairua River catchment. Figure 4: DOC Place boundaries. Detail from CMS Vol 2 map 8.2 Hauraki– Coromandel Peninsula Place