Supporting Technical Assessments

Appendix 3: Vegetation Descriptions for Willows Road Farm and Potential Vent Raise Sites Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG Other survey information: No fauna surveys have been completed due to seasonal constraints. Suitability for vent site: The slight slope seems to be manageable for building a drill platform. There are a few mature tree species within the site, and it has yet to be determined if Archey’s frogs or other fauna are present. Further surveys are required to fully assess suitability. These will be completed when conditions are suitable for detection / emergence. Site 14 Site 14 is dominated by tree ferns, and in particular wheki. Rata epiphytes, tank lily and kiekie were observed on many of the trees and ferns. Hangehange saplings and seedlings are in high abundance. The leaf litter is of deep and there are piles of dead fern fronds. ‘Threatened / At Risk’ plant species were avoided and proximity to a wetland was considered during site selection. Other survey information: No fauna surveys have been completed due to seasonality. The site is numerous in tree ferns and kiekie, species that are associated with frog abundance. Suitability for vent site: In terms of vegetation and physiography, the site is suitable for a vent shaft. Further surveys are required to fully assess suitability. These will be completed when conditions are suitable for detection / emergence. Site 15 The canopy at Site 15 is tōwai and rewarewa (both approx.15 m tall). The lower forest levels are dominated by tree ferns, some reaching heights of 10-12 m. Tank lily and kiekie epiphytes are in abundance and supplejack is prevalent on one side of the site. Seedlings of rewarewa, tōwai, kanono,