Supporting Technical Assessments

Appendix 3: Vegetation Descriptions for Willows Road Farm and Potential Vent Raise Sites Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG Site 11 Other survey information: Two Archey’s frog was found during surveys (Table 11). Survey conditions were optimal for frog emergence during surveys, with vegetation, leaf litter and soil recorded as ‘Moist’ (Cree 1989). No ‘Threatened / At Risk’ invertebrate species were observed during frog surveys. Before vegetation clearance, lizard, bat and bird surveys will need to be completed. Table 11: Survey details from Archey’s frog searches at Site 11. Date Survey Effort (hrs) Average Temperature (C°) Average Relative Humidity (RH) % Number of frogs found 20/04/2021 3.00 17.5 96.2 0 21/04/2021 4.00 17.6 99.5 2 22/04/2021 2.33 11.8 94.0 0 Site 12 Site 12 is softly sloping with no larger tree species present. The site is dominated by tree ferns with hinau scattered throughout. Young nikau are also present. The ground layer is sparse. Leaf litter is deep in places, particularly under tree ferns. Pig rooting is evident. ‘Threatened / At Risk’ plant species were avoided and proximity to a wetland was considered during site selection. Other survey information: No fauna surveys have been completed due to seasonal constraints. Suitability for vent site: In terms of vegetation and physiography, the site is potentially suitable for a vent shaft. Further surveys are required to fully assess suitability. These will be completed when conditions are suitable for detection / emergence. Site 13 Site 13 runs along a ridge. The site itself is slightly sloping with emergent tawa with a canopy of rewarewa, pigeonwood and tawa. Nikau and tree ferns scattered throughout site. Kiekie and crown fern are present on the forest floor. Overall, leaf litter is not very deep but around tree ferns and rewarewa it is deeper. Pig rooting is evident in the site. ‘Threatened / At Risk’ plant species were avoided during site selection.