Supporting Technical Assessments

Appendix 3: Vegetation Descriptions for Willows Road Farm and Potential Vent Raise Sites Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG Suitability for vent site: Site 8 is potentially suitable as a vent site. The physiography is appropriate for a platform and there will be minimal removal of mature vegetation. The vegetation is suitable frog habitat, but no frogs were found over three survey nights in suitable climatic conditions. ‘Threatened / At Risk’ plant species were avoided during site selection and the site is not within 100 m of an identified wetland. Additional lizard, bird and bat surveys will need to be completed before vegetation clearance. Site 9 Large miro with abundant epiphytes dominates the centre of the site. The site is on a slight hillside of a small gully and is dominated by nikau and tree ferns; the undergrowth is mainly open with few seedlings. A few old stumps with mosses and kiekie growing upon them are present in the site. Vegetation is relatively diverse, with rewarewa, pigeonwood, mapou, hangehange, kanono, and mahoe present. Old pig rooting is evident and there are numerous patches of bare soil. ‘Threatened / At Risk’ plant species were not present, and the site is not known to be within 100 m of a wetland. Other survey information: One Archey’s frog was found during surveys (Table 9). This frog was located on the edge of the site. Survey conditions were optimal for frog emergence during surveys, with vegetation, leaf litter and soil recorded as ‘Moist’ (Cree 1989). No ‘Threatened / At Risk’ invertebrate species were observed during frog surveys. Before vegetation clearance, lizard, bat and bird surveys will need to be completed. Table 9: Survey details from Archey’s frog searches at Site 9. Date Survey Effort (hrs) Average Temperature (C°) Average Relative Humidity (RH) % Number of frogs found 11/05/2021 7.25 16.4 89.2 0 12/05/2021 6.5 12.25 100 0 15/05/2021 6 14.1 95.5 1 Suitability for vent site: Site 9 is potentially suitable for a vent site. In terms of vegetation there is a high species count, but occupancy is low. The large miro in the centre requires consideration and would ideally be avoided. The leaf litter is minimal due to pig rooting, and although suitable frog habitat is present, only one frog was found. The site is not within 100 m of an identified wetland. Before vegetation clearance, native fauna surveys will need to be carried out to determine the presence of bats, birds and lizards. Site 10 Other survey information: One Archey’s frog was found during surveys (Table 10). Survey conditions were optimal for frog emergence during surveys, with vegetation, leaf litter and soil recorded as ‘Moist’ (Cree 1989). No ‘Threatened / At Risk’ invertebrate species were observed during frog surveys. Before vegetation clearance, lizard, bat and bird surveys will need to be completed. Table 10: Survey details from Archey’s frog searches at Site 10. Date Survey Effort (hrs) Average Temperature (C°) Average Relative Humidity (RH) % Number of frogs found 20/04/2021 2.75 17.5 96.2 0 21/04/2021 2.75 17.6 99.5 0 22/04/2021 2.33 11.8 94.0 1