Appendix 3: Vegetation Descriptions for Willows Road Farm and Potential Vent Raise Sites Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG Site 6 Site 6 has one large pukatea located in the centre of the site (>40 cm DBH). Puka is found growing up the pukatea, and tank lily is also present. The remainder of the site is mainly tree ferns and nikau, with one mid-sized rewarewa. Undergrowth is sparse with little regrowth. Tree ferns contribute to the leaf litter, but overall, the litter is thin. The site is concave and well-draining. Other survey information: No frogs or ‘Threatened / At Risk’ invertebrate species were found during surveys (Table 6). Leaf litter and soil were recorded as ‘Moist’ during surveys, and vegetation as ‘DryMoist’ for two surveys nights. The site has not been surveyed for other native fauna species. Table 6: Survey details from Archey’s frog searches at Site 6. Date Survey Effort (hrs) Average Temperature (C°) Average Relative Humidity (RH) % Number of frogs found 14/04/2021 4.75 11.45 97.7 0 20/04/2021 5.25 15.1 97.7 0 21/04/2021 4.45 15.4 100 0 Suitability for vent site: The steepness of the site would make it difficult to build a platform on and the presence of the pukatea tree is in an unfavourable location (centre of site) and would require removal. No Archey’s frogs were found. Site 6 was assessed as unsuitable. Site 7 An emergent tawa is in the centre of the site (>40 DBH). Smaller pukatea and tawa (44 DBH) are also present within the site. Nikau are present throughout, with tree ferns scattered in-between. The undergrowth is sparse. Leaf litter is of deep throughout Site 7, and in particular under tree ferns. No ‘Threatened / At Risk’ plant species were observed in the site.