Supporting Technical Assessments

2 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 • The wetland and freshwater ecological values of the GOP; and • The wetland and freshwater ecological values of TSF3; and • The wetland and freshwater ecological values of the NRS; and • The wetland and freshwater ecological values of the Processing Plant and WTP upgrade. We present each of these components within separate chapters associated with the main project activities. As discussed above, terrestrial ecological values and effects assessment for the GOP, TSF3, NRS, and Processing Plant are provided in Bioresearches (2022). The WNP takes an overall ‘Nature Positive’ approach to impact management whereby all potential impacts on biodiversity are mitigated / compensated / offset (as appropriate) to a level that a Net Gain is the expected outcome. 1.3 Report Structure This report is set out as follows: Section 1 presents an overview of the project and our assessment approach. Section 2 describes the project location, detailed project description and site context. Section 3 provides an overview of relevant statutory matters. Section 4 describes ecological survey and assessment methods, including effects assessment methodology. Section 5 describes the ecological values of the Project Site and surrounding area and their significance with reference to the RPS. Section 6 describes and evaluates potential ecological effects. Section 7 outlines proposed ecological management. Section 8 provides a summary and conclusion. 2.0 WNP Project Location and Description 2.1 Project Location The OceanaGold’s Waihi operations are located within the Waihi township, near the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand. The site currently consists of the Martha Open Pit and the Correnso, Slevin, Favona, Trio and Martha Underground mines. The site is predominantly located within a primarily rural area in the Hauraki District, with access from State Highway 25 (SH25). The proposed footprint of the surface works for the Waihi North Project is set across five areas of works as listed in section 1.2 above (Figure 1). The land surrounding the current mining operations (mainly zoned Martha Mineral Zone) is predominantly rural, with the exception of the Martha Pit which is surrounded by residential, low-