Supporting Technical Assessments

42 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project| Landscape and Visual Effects | During operation, the project will disrupt part of the elevated sequence of rounded hills which characterise the landscape to the east of Waihi. The Favona Portal is proposed to be relocated adjacent the existing Processing Plant to ensure any indirect landscape effects associated with existing underground mining remain well contained. At completion, the final lowered landform will be established in pasture and, as appropriate, native shrub planting, ensuring complementary rural land use is re-established and long-term impacts remain largely benign in the context of the adjoining mining activity and surrounding rounded and vegetated volcanic hills which characterise this area. Overall, landscape impacts will remain well contained within a wider established working rural landscape character. It is acknowledged that mana whenua values, interests and associations connected with Motukehu will be addressed separately through Iwi led Cultural Impact Assessments. 7.3.4 Landscape Effects Assessment (Gladstone Pit and Tailings) An assessment of the level and nature of landscape effects associated with Gladstone Pit and associated tailings is set out below: Contributing factors Implementation35 Operation36 Residual37 Level of Effect38 Nature of Effect39 Level of Effect Nature of Effect Level of Effect Nature of Effect Landform Effects • Change occurs in context of existing mining activity including Processing Plant • Relatively well contained by existing topography and vegetation • Permanent removal of the upper slopes of Gladstone Hill and part of northern aspect of Winner Hill • Introduction of replacement portal within mine footprint and temporary stockpile along the periphery of the pit • Modified landform converted to accommodate tailings as part of ongoing mining operation Mitigation • Lowered landform reinstated in pasture and native shrubs as part of site rehabilitation at project closure Moderate Adverse Moderate Adverse Moderate - Low Adverse Vegetation Effects • Predominantly pasture and plantation pine with small patches of planted native and exotic trees Mitigation Low Adverse Low Neutral Low Neutral 35 Effects at implementation before mitigation 36 Effects during operation with mitigation 37 Residual effects at completion 38 Level of Effect assessed as: Very High, High, Moderate-High, Moderate, Moderate-Low, Low, Very Low 39 Nature of Effect assessed as: Adverse, Neutral or Beneficial