Supporting Technical Assessments

40 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project| Landscape and Visual Effects | The Gladstone Battery (HAU245) is identified between Union Hill and Gladstone Hill near the northern edge of the proposed GOP, however there is no obvious evidence of any remaining heritage association in this area34. 7.1.1 Zoning The proposed area accommodating GOP and subsequent GOP Tailings Storage Facility straddles the Rural and Martha Mineral zones (see Figure 5). 7.2 Proposed Development The proposed GOP will disturb a total area of around 19ha, will be about 95 metres deep, 375 metres wide and 625 metres long (see Figure 11). During the initial stages of operation, topsoil will be stripped to form a temporary topsoil stockpile of approximately 52,500 m3. During operation, mining activity will gradually lower the form of Gladstone Hill to create an open pit before extending south-west towards a low point which separates Gladstone and Winner Hill. Such mining activity is expected to occur over a period of approximately 7 years. This culminates along a band of plantation pine trees to the west which will be retained during mining operation as a visual buffer adjoining an abandoned cowshed and sloping area of pasture proposed to be planted to the east of the Ohinemuri River. The southern edge of the GOP is similarly located beyond the remaining form of Winner Hill and areas of established pine to be retained during mining operation. The northern aspect of the mine may also form an alternative location for the Martha Underground Mine (MUG) Portal and in-pit crusher concealed from external views. At completion of mining activity, the GOP will be modified to accommodate a tailings storage facility. Rock will be reintroduced to the base of the GOP and lined to support the subsequent introduction of tailings. This will maintain the lowered pit rim associated with creating the GOP and enables a maximum tailings level of approximately 101 masl within this resultant void (see Figure 12). In addition, the temporary stockpile will be removed, and placed in association with rock cover over the tailings surface as well as exposed pit walls. The final landform will be mounded to a sufficient depth to accommodate any ongoing settlement. The mounded form of the completed surface will enable re-establishment of surface water flows to the south, with any additional runoff directed through the north-western low point of the pit perimeter and to the Ohinemuri River via an appropriately formed drain. 7.3 Landscape Effects 7.3.1 Landform The introduction of an open pit mine and subsequent tailings facility will substantially modify the existing landform of Gladstone Hill and part of the northern aspect of Winner Hill. During the proposed establishment of this mine, this will gradually replace part of the existing sequence of rounded hill landforms to the east of Waihi with an open void with benched faces and associated haul road connected with the existing Processing Plant characteristic of an open pit mine. During operation, a temporary stockpile will also be established along the eastern margin of GOP that will remain largely concealed from surrounding areas adjacent to the existing Processing Plant. This will subsequently be used to assist with rehabilitation at the completion of the mine. 34 Clough and Associated (2021) Waihi North Project: Heritage and Archaeology Technical Report.