Supporting Technical Assessments

36 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project| Landscape and Visual Effects | Contributing factors Implementation23 Operation24 Residual25 Level of Effect26 Nature of Effect27 Level of Effect Nature of Effect Level of Effect Nature of Effect Landscape Character Effects • Minimised effects to topography, avoiding characteristic peaks, ridges and valleys • Consideration in relation to vegetation clearance (avoiding mature vegetation) and measures to avoid adverse effects on significant fauna • No apparent change on coherence of wider green backdrop character and very isolated impacts on associative values • Vapour plumes may occur from return air shafts under certain climatic conditions Mitigation • Very localised presence of isolated disturbance and structures during operation to be removed and the site fully rehabilitated at project completion Very Low Adverse Very Low Adverse Very low Neutral 6.7 Natural Character Effects As an underground mine, the proposed development will avoid any direct effects relating to the natural character of existing waterbodies or their margins within the Coromandel Forest Park. In this context, potential impacts which may relate to natural character are understood as being limited to indirect effects entailing the interception and loss of a single shallow warm spring28 (ca. 19-20o C) of low ecological value29. Such localised effects are not identified as having any detrimental downstream effects nor are they considered to generate any actual or perceived impacts on associated natural characteristics or qualities of the surrounding Forest Park which has been subjected to previous modification as a result of mining activity. The Forest Park is recognised as part of a broader outstanding natural landscape and typically expresses a high degree of natural character along streams and their margins in the context of established and regenerating forest. Notwithstanding this, existing modification above the WUG and which encompasses the margins of Wharekirauponga Stream, includes the former Royal Standard Mine. Whilst natural elements and influences are clearly dominant in this context, it cannot be considered pristine. Such modification includes evidence of historic mining activity including kauri dams, a former battery site, workings, tram ways and other related artefacts30. During operation, it is understood measures will be employed to ensure no further apparent changes in flows or condition of existing streams within the Coromandel Forest Park will 28 GWS Limited (2021) Waihi North Project - Wharekirauponga Orebody Dewatering - Assessment of Effects on Groundwater 29 Boffa Miskell (2022) Waihi North Project: Ecological Assessment. 30 Clough and Associated (2021) Waihi North Project: Heritage and Archaeology Technical Report.