Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Landscape and Visual Effects | 35 inherent vivid, wild and remote qualities will remain. Moreover, site specific consideration will be given in relation to the extent of vegetation clearance and potential habitat disturbance, with mature forestry vegetation retained / protected and enhanced, including additional planting along the margins of the Forest Park as identified in the ecological assessment. In the context of such minimal disturbance, necessary mitigation will also be informed by ecological mitigation to avoid, remedy or mitigate potential biophysical landscape effects. The scale of the ONL and comparably diminutive scale of the shaft raise locations, as proposed, will ensure the inherent homogenous quality of the extensive forest cover and its underlying distinctive backdrop form and context will remain intact. Ephemeral plumes from return air shafts under certain climatic conditions are expected to be effectively masked by the extensive forest canopy in views from within the park and have very limited long-distance views. With the above in mind, it is considered that effects arising from disruption to the character and integrity of the larger ONL backdrop will remain isolated and very limited, primarily during construction and rehabilitation of localised shaft raise locations. At the completion of the project, all shaft raise sites will be rehabilitated back to their original form. 6.6.4 Landscape Effects Assessment (Coromandel Forest Park) An assessment of the level and nature of landscape effects associated with underground mining beneath the Coromandel Forest Park is set out below: Contributing factors Implementation23 Operation24 Residual25 Level of Effect26 Nature of Effect27 Level of Effect Nature of Effect Level of Effect Nature of Effect Landform Effects • Very limited and localised modification to landform to introduce four shaft raises • Site selection will avoid key ridges and valleys Mitigation • Once shaft site works are completed, landform will be remediated to transition between localised modification and unaffected areas Very Low Adverse Very Low Adverse Very low Neutral Landcover Effects • Mature vegetation to be avoided • Siting of four shaft raise works includes identifying areas of natural clearings or areas of existing disturbance Mitigation • Cleared areas of vegetation will be replanted/ reestablished Very Low Adverse Very Low Adverse Very low Neutral 23 Effects during implementation before mitigation 24 Effects during operation following mitigation 25 Residual Effects at Completion 26 Level of Effect assessed as: Very High, High, Moderate-High, Moderate, Moderate-Low, Low, Very Low 27 Nature of Effect assessed as: Adverse, Neutral or Beneficial