Supporting Technical Assessments

34 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project| Landscape and Visual Effects | be covered over, fencing removed and the area of raises and any accommodation/amenities will be planted with native vegetation. Such rehabilitation effectiveness will be monitored and managed for a period of 5 years or more following closure to ensure the success of such remediation. 6.6 Landscape Effects 6.6.1 Landform The landform modification to the Coromandel Forest Park will be limited to the implementation of four ventilation shafts. As described in the project description, the exact location of the vent / egress shafts will be confirmed after further surveys have been carried out which confirm that identified sites are suitable from ecological and geotechnical perspectives. The four shafts will modify localised areas of landform within the Coromandel Forest Park. These areas will either occupy existing drill sites or occur within the legal road reserve. Construction of these elements will require a surface expression of 12 x 12 metres for each shaft. The nature of underground mining means the potential for any apparent landform effects on the character of the Coromandel Forest Park remains very low. The combined extent of modification at the vent raise sites will therefore represent localised modification of confined areas to allow for surface infrastructure and equipment to be established. Once operational, any remaining landform modification will be rehabilitated to achieve a seamless transition with adjoining areas and therefore generate very localised landform effects. Once the project is completed, it is proposed that areas modified by these works will be remediated to achieve their existing condition and to assimilate within surrounding areas. With the above considered, any effects from the vent raise work on the existing landform within the Coromandel Forest Park will remain localised with negligible long-term effects. 6.6.2 Landcover The Coromandel Forest Park supports indigenous forest comprising a variety of floral species which are extensive across the Coromandel Ranges and which extend across approximately 72,000 hectares. As outlined above, vent raise sites will be confirmed by detailed on the ground investigations which will be guided by a need to avoid impacts on native fauna and the loss of mature vegetation (e.g. sitting in a natural clearing or areas of existing disturbance and avoiding existing streams). Four 12 x 12 m areas will be cleared (approximately .058 Ha.) to enable construction infrastructure to be established. The extent of vegetation clearance will be determined prior to works. Once work is completed and areas vacated, much of the area where vegetation removal has occurred will be rehabilitated in accordance with ecological recommendations. This clearance work will result in an apparent change and adverse effect on existing vegetation in the defined areas intended to accommodate structures. However, in the context of the wider Coromandel Forest Park, any associated landscape effects of such vegetation clearance will remain localised and difficult to discern. 6.6.3 Landscape Character The potential for any change in landscape character associated with the ONL will arise only from the implementation and operation of shaft raises as described above. Final site confirmation will be guided by the need to minimise modification to the surface topography and vegetation. Such modification would have a negligible impact on the characteristic peaks, ridges and valleys and broader native forest cover that characterises and defines this landscape. The