Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Landscape and Visual Effects | 33 landforms volcanic origin and almost complete native forest cover remain clearly legible and the resultant ranges contain a vivid, wild and remote quality. 6.5.2 Zoning The project footprint beneath the Coromandel Forest Park is within the Conservation (Indigenous Forest) Zone within which surface infrastructure is limited to up to four vent raises located on legal road reserve. 6.5.3 Proposed Underground Infrastructure Given the recognised high sensitivity of the Coromandel Forest Park, the WUG mine is proposed to be mined entirely underground. Proposed tunnelling will comprise a combination of single and dual drives which extend for a length of approximately 6.9 km from the Willows Road site beneath the Coromandel Forest Park to access and mine the identified orebody, and approximately 5 km to the east to provide a connection to the existing Processing Plant. The tunnels commence from separate portals within the Willows Road site and in the vicinity of the Processing Plant which transition to a dual heading tunnel from the first vent raise near the northern boundary of the Willows Road site. The overall dimensions of each tunnel are nominally 6.0 metres in height by 5.8 metres in width and are located entirely underground. Tunnel depths will vary between 100 m and 500 m below the surface (other than access declines) with resulting mining activity occurring no closer than 65m from the surface at any point, subject to maintaining minimal surface effect s. 6.5.4 Proposed Surface infrastructure within the Coromandel Forest Park Ventilation and Emergency Refuge/Secondary Egress Surface infrastructure proposed within the Coromandel Forest Park is limited to up to four ventilation shafts (one jointly serving as an egress shaft). Each shaft will have a nominal diameter of up to 5.5 metres and height of up to 8 metres. Each site shall either occupy existing drill sites that have already been authorised and established within the area by OGNZL, or new sites located on legal road reserve (refer Figure 9). Geotechnical investigations and subsequent construction will initially require an area of approximately 12 metres x 12 metres, with the final surface expression being approximately 10 metres x 10 metres. A temporary combined helicopter pad and single storey accommodation and amenities facility, equivalent to combined existing facilities associated with exploration in this area of the Forest Park will support construction of initial vent shafts at the Wharekirauponga resource. The position of all surface elements within the Coromandel Forest Park will be determined by appropriate minimisation of flora and fauna impacts, and geotechnical suitability. The drilling rig and associated equipment will be transported via helicopter. All materials produced from drilling will be reintroduced to drill holes. Once vent shafts are formed, all construction equipment including helipad and surface facilities will be removed. A 8 m evasé (stack) will then be installed over the collars to direct discharge air and a perimeter fence around the stack will be constructed to prevent inadvertent animal or human entry into the shafts. All fencing and vent/egress surface infrastructure (vent stacks) will be removed at the end of mining. Ventilation raises shafts would be filled in, from the surface in relation to vent raise one on the Willows Road site and from underground in relation to shafts two to five. Shaft collars will