Supporting Technical Assessments

30 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project| Landscape and Visual Effects | W4 Golden Valley Road Views from Golden Valley Road are restricted to an isolated area in the northern section of the road which include a small number of residential properties. Views from the road toward the site are more typically curtailed by intervening vegetation. The outlook from the properties varies with a number of these bordered by vegetation (such as 65 Golden Valley Road which is heavily treed and 51 Golden Valley Road which has shelterbelt planting along the roadside). The key change in these views for those that do obtain views of the site will be the WRS which will form a long-distance, small element in their overall outlook. Once completed and rehabilitated this feature will no longer be visible. W5 Heard Road These residential viewing audiences are also located at some distance (at least 4 kilometres) from the proposed WRS. Views are elevated and comprise of wide panoramic views of the surrounding rural landscape. Whilst views of the Willows Road site in the context of the backdrop of the Coromandel Range may be apparent from this elevated enclave of rural lifestyle development, any views of the project will be very long distance glimpse views filtered through intervening vegetation and approximate a no change situation. 6.4.2 Summary of Visual Effects Assessment Willows Road Site An assessment of the level and nature of visual effects from identified viewing areas associated with the Willows Road site are set out below: Contributing factors Implementation18 Operation19 Residual20 Level of Effect21 Nature of Effect22 Level of Effect Nature of Effect Level of Effect Nature of Effect W1: Willows Road (VS1 - VS4) • Views from proximate residential dwellings • WRS will become visible in some cases although this tends to be glimpsed and partial views • WRS removed from view at project completion with landform recontoured and returned to grazing Mitigation • Vegetate or hydroseed noise bund associated with main site infrastructure as soon as practicable after construction • Proposed intervening buffer vegetation contribute to containing Moderate - Low Adverse Low Adverse Low Neutral 18 Effects during implementation before mitigation 19 Effects during operation following mitigation 20 Residual Effects at Completion Following Mitigation 21 Level of Effect assessed as: Very High, High, Moderate-High, Moderate, Moderate-Low, Low, Very Low 22 Nature of Effect assessed as: Adverse, Neutral or Beneficial