Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Landscape and Visual Effects | 25 before meeting the Mataura Stream. Given this modification, it is proposed that approximately 5.6 ha. of the tributaries within this headwater catchment will be enhanced. This would include fencing off the tributaries to prevent stock access in addition to riparian planting at least 10 m in width in addition to the establishment of wetland species in small floodplain areas within the catchment. A summary of the assessment of natural character effects along the Mataura Stream in accordance with the methodology set out in Appendix 1 is set out below. Existing Natural Character Description Level of Natural Character (Current Condition) Proposed Natural Character Description (including mitigation) Post Development Level of Natural Character (Condition) Level of Effect Nature of Effect Mataura Stream (Willows Road site only) Active Bed • Follows a natural flow path with high instream habitat quality • Species found within stream consist of those found in moderate to good habitat including those considered rare or common High Active Bed • The active bed will continue to follow a natural flow path and hold high instream habitat quality. High Very low Neutral Margins • Limited areas of modification to stream margins associated with rural land use downstream of the Coromandel Forest Park. • Rank pasture and low stature vegetation species dominate margins within the Willows Road site. • Includes a defined wetland area which includes two mature swamp maire (critically endangered) • Context influenced by modification associated with neighbouring agricultural land uses. Moderate Margins • No additional modification to stream margins in the context of established human modification. • Proposed enhancements of tributaries and riparian planting results in a measurable increase in biophysical and experiential attributes along the river margins and associated tributaries. Moderate - High Low Beneficial