Appendix 2: Wharekirauponga Survey Effort and Summary of Findings Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG • Bat surveys- 72 nights or recording using 6 ABMs set out from 14th February 2019 for 12 nights, • Bird surveys – 26 x 5MBCs and 11 sites with ARDs recorders. 12 native and 5 exotic bird species recorded. • Lizard surveys – 26 sites assessed for suitable lizard habitat, of these 8 were searched visually and manually. A further 7 sites deemed to have low-medium habitat suitability were also searched. Additionally, tracks between suitable survey plots were also searched (spotlight surveys). No lizards were observed. • Vegetation RECCE plots - 26 plots over broad vegetation types • Manual invertebrate surveys carried out during detailed plot surveys. October 2020 – May 2021 Drill site surveys 11 sites investigated for potential drill sites, 29 Archey’s frogs recorded. No lizard or ‘Threatened’ / ‘At Risk’ invertebrate species recorded. Vent site surveys 15 sites investigated for potential vent sites, 21 Archey’s frogs recorded. No lizard or ‘Threatened’ / ‘At Risk’ invertebrate species recorded. Baseline biodiversity surveys 2020 Baseline biodiversity surveys conducted over 3 weeks in October and November 2020. Surveys included: • Frog surveys: 9 Hochstetter’s frogs, one Archey’s frog • Bird surveys – 26 x 5MBCs, 11 sites with ARDs recorders • Lizard surveys –poor weather conditions. Spotlight surveys at 3 sites, and opportunistically. • Vegetation RECCE plots - 26 plots over broad vegetation types. An additional eight ordination transects of 20 plots each were also surveyed in 2020. • Manual invertebrate surveys carried out during detailed plot surveys. October 2021 - May 2022 Vent site surveys 4 sites investigated for potential vent sites, 3 Archey’s frogs recorded. No lizard or ‘Threatened’ / ‘At Risk’ invertebrate species recorded. 1 site finalised for drill site. No lizards or frogs recorded in 3 nights of survey.