Supporting Technical Assessments

22 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project| Landscape and Visual Effects | 6.2.4 Summary of Landscape Effects at Willows Road Site The below tables provide a summary of the landscape effects resultant from the project. Contributing factors Implementation12 Operation13 Residual14 Level of Effect15 Nature of Effect16 Level of Effect Nature of Effect Level of Effect Nature of Effect Landform Effects • Large scale earthworks to accommodate the WRS • Localised terracing and noise bunds to accommodate surface infrastructure • Landform modification integrated within existing topography • Collection pond bund formed to blend within adjoining river terraces along the Mataura Stream Mitigation • Temporary topsoil stockpiles hydroseeded and removed at completion to facilitate rehabilitation • Final landforms restored to appear similar to existing and revegetated with grass or other vegetation to integrate within the surrounding land use. Moderate Adverse Moderate - Low Adverse Very Low Neutral Vegetation Effects • Retain key shelterbelts and tree stands during operation • Minimise impact on Unnamed Tributary 1 vegetation and lower vegetated portion of Tributary 2 • Removal of vegetation in upper portion of Unnamed Tributary 2 compensated by ecological enhancement Low Adverse Low Neutral Moderate - Low Beneficial 12 Effects at implementation before mitigation 13 Effects during operation with mitigation 14 Residual effects at completion 15 Level of Effect assessed as: Very High, High, Moderate-High, Moderate, Moderate-Low, Low, Very Low 16 Nature of Effect assessed as: Adverse, Neutral or Beneficial