16 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project| Landscape and Visual Effects | The topography of the Willows Road site reflects that of the wider context in which the southern portions are relatively low-lying in nature and in places is approximately 150 masl11. The landform then rises in elevation towards the Coromandel Ranges (north) and reaches heights up to 360 masl to the northwest. The pasture covered foothills create various folds and localised gullies and include several overland flow paths and unnamed tributaries flowing to the Mataura Stream then into Ohinemuri River beyond the boundaries of the site. The Willows Road site is rural in its character and together with the predominantly pastoral covered landscape, features a number or attributes which contribute to rural character and amenity. Alongside a prevalent use of pastoral grazing there are various farm tracks, enclosed fields, tree stands, shelterbelts and farm buildings/ structures, the latter of which include barns and a milking shed in the lower portions of the site. 6.1.2 Zoning As illustrated on Figure 5, the entirety of the Willows Road site including surface infrastructure associated with the portal and Vent 1 are zoned Rural. 6.1.3 Proposed Surface Infrastructure at Willows Road Surface infrastructure supporting the WUG Mine will be located within the Willows Road Farm property. Whilst the surface infrastructure area will be used for temporary facilities during construction and tunnelling, this assessment has taken account of the proposed mine surface infrastructure established prior to the combined tunnelling / mining operations and which are likely to remain during operation through to project closure. It is expected that bulk earthworks and planting followed by initial tunnelling operations will occur during the first five years of operation. The key surface elements proposed during operation are indicated on Figure 7. The following elements are proposed: Topsoil Stockpiles and Noise Bunds The surface footprint areas will first be stripped of topsoil to create temporary topsoil stockpiles covering an area of 2-3ha, which will be grassed or hydroseeded to prevent erosion. Stockpiles will also be used to form noise bunds maintained in pasture grass during operation and associated with the surface infrastructure and private parking up to a maximum height of 3 metres. Surface Facilities Office and Change House An office and single storey change house comprised of modular, demountable buildings of approximately 250 m2 in area will be established. Power and water connections will be arranged, and a sewage treatment and disposal system installed. Service Workshop A steel framed and clad service workshop will be established. The workshop will include a sealed undercover area of approximately 400 m2, and a 200 m2 concrete apron area. The maximum height of this building will be 10 metres. Willows Rock Stack 11 All level information in this report is based on the current standard New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016 (NZVD2016). This datum is approximately 1002m above the mine datum traditionally used by OGNZL, and approximately 2m above the pre-1949 datum from which the mine datum is derived.