12 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project| Landscape and Visual Effects | aesthetic, cultural and intrinsic values10. Amenity values and quality of the environment are also relevant considerations under the RMA (Section 7c and 7f). 4.5 Amenity Values and the Quality of the Environment (RMA s.7c and 7f) Outside of the Coromandel Forest Park, the landscape surrounding Waihi is characterised by established rural land use which contributes a distinct rural landscape character and amenity which can be differentiated from the adjoining ONL. In amenity terms, the RMA defines amenity values as those natural or physical qualities and characteristics of an area that contribute to people’s appreciation of its pleasantness, aesthetic coherence, and cultural and recreational attributes. No part of the project is identified within a District Amenity Landscape Area. The topography of the Willows Road site expresses the pattern of rural foothills at the base of the more prominent Coromandel Ranges which form a vegetated backdrop against the rising topography. This topography is observed within the foreground of views towards the Coromandel Ranges and the landforms of these areas are visually connected as a series of hills, peaks and valleys. The land use within the Willows Road site reflects part of a wider apron of rural activity observed within the foothills landscape which supports agricultural land use, particularly dairy and cattle grazing. Management with exotic pasture and limited restrictions on stock access has reduced the natural qualities of areas of the Willows Road site. Parts of GOP and TSF3 also extend beyond the Martha Mineral Zone into adjoining rural zones. The utilisation of mineral resources is provided for in this zone provided the potential for adverse effects are avoided, remedied or mitigated. This includes maintaining the amenity value of a predominately open rural character and the wider productive use of the land. The proposed upgrade to the existing Processing Plant, Water Treatment Plant, and NRS are located entirely within the Martha Mineral Zone. This provides for the utilisation of mineral resources alongside its ongoing rehabilitation and longer term likely uses. Such development should also ensure that the amenity values of Waihi and the wider community are managed and enhanced. 10 Hauraki District Plan Section 6.3.3, Objective 1