Supporting Technical Assessments

2 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project| Landscape and Visual Effects | • Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment 3rd Edition, Landscape Institute (UK) and IEMA (2013). 2.2 Familiarisation of the Project and Receiving Environment 2.2.1 Desktop Analysis of the Receiving Environment Prior to conducting the assessment, a desktop study was completed which included a review of the relevant information relating to the landscape and visual aspects of the project. This information included: • the statutory setting of the project area and surrounding context; • existing landscape assessments undertaken within the receiving environment; and • base map data (such as contours and aerial photography) 2.2.2 Site Analysis and Input into the Project Layout Throughout the preparation of this assessment, several site visits were undertaken to further understand both the project area and the surrounding context including its likely visibility. To inform this assessment and assist with managing the potential for adverse landscape, natural character and visual effects, the project drawings prepared for the application have been reviewed and further developed through an iterative design process. Through this process, input into project layout has included the siting, size and appearance of landforms and ancillary structures where possible to assist integrating these elements within the landscape, and associated planting to mitigate potential adverse effects. Current aerial imagery and point cloud modelling obtained using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has also assisted with project shaping. 2.2.3 Preparation of Visual Simulations A series of visual simulations were prepared to understand the extent of visibility of the project and the potential impact on the surrounding viewing audiences. Visual simulations are detailed in Sections 6 to 10 of this report and included as a separate appendix to this report. Viewpoint photographs provide representative views from the available viewing audiences located at a range of viewing distances and locations. Visual simulations have been prepared in accordance with NZILA Best Practice1 and adhere to Boffa Miskell’s internal Visualisation Guidelines to assist with an accurate understanding of the proposed magnitude of visual change. 3.0 Landscape Context 3.1 Site Location In broad terms, the project is located beneath and adjoins the southern end of the Coromandel Range and is primarily contained within an undulating foothills landscape which surrounds the established township of Waihi. The proposed development maintains a close relationship with 1 NZILA Best Practice Guide, Visual Simulations BPG 10.2, February 2010.