Supporting Technical Assessments

Appendix 5: Visual Simulations (Bound separately) VS 1A: View from end of Willows Road during operation VS 1B: View from end of Willows Road with mitigation VS 2A: View from Willows Road during operation VS 2B: View from Willows Road with mitigation VS 3: View from Willows Road VS 4: View from Willows Road VS 5: View from Highland Road VS 6: View from corner Willows Road and State Highway 25 VS 7: View from State Highway 25 VS 8A: View from Corbett Road during operation VS 8B: View from Corbett Road enlarged view during construction VS 8C: View from Corbett Road enlarged view with mitigation VS 9: View from State Highway 25 VS10: View from Wharekirauponga Walk VS 11: View from Clarke Street VS 12: View from Ohinemuri River VS 13: View from Gilmour Park VS 14: View from Barry Road VS 15: View from Golden Valley Road VS 15A: View from Golden Valley Road (with mitigation planting) VS 16: View from Trig Road (North) VS 17: View from Black Hill VS 18: View from Waihi Beach Road VS 19: View from Trig Road (Central) VS 19A: View from Trig Road (Central) (grassed) VS 20: View from Trig Road (East) VS 20A: View from Trig Road (East) (grassed) VS 21: View from Trig Road South VS 21A: View from Trig Road South (grassed)