Supporting Technical Assessments

\\bmlaklfs1\NAT_design$\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Issued\22020617_Final_Landscape_Assessment\BM21 0482C_001_Waihi_North_Landscape_and_Visual_20220617.docx Appendices Appendix 1: Landscape and Visual Effects Methodology Appendix 2: Statutory Context Appendix 3: Extracts from Relevant Landscape Assessments Appendix 4: Figures (Bound Separately) Figure 1: Site Context Figure 2: Topography Figure 3: Land Cover Figure 4: Landscape Character Figure 5: Statutory Context Figure 6: Willows Road Site Appraisal Figure 7: Proposed Willows Road Site Layout Figure 8: Willows Road Visual Appraisal Figure 9: Proposed Wharekirauponga Shaft Locations Figure 10: Gladstone Site Appraisal Figure 11: Proposed Gladstone Pit Figure 12: Proposed Gladstone Tailings Figure 13: Gladstone Visual Appraisal Figure 14: Northern Rock Stack and Process Plant Site Appraisal Figure 15: Proposed Northern Rock Stack and Process Plant Figure 16: Northern Rock Stack and Process Plant Visual Appraisal Figure 17: Tailings and Storage Facility 3 Site Appraisal Figure 18: Proposed Tailings and Storage Facility 3 Figure 19: Tailings and Storage Facility 3 Visual Appraisal Figure 20: Proposed Integirated Mitigation