Supporting Technical Assessments

\\bmlaklfs1\NAT_design$\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Issued\22020617_Final_Landscape_Assessment\BM21 0482C_001_Waihi_North_Landscape_and_Visual_20220617.docx CONTENTS Executive Summary i PART A 1 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Approach 1 2.1 Overview 1 2.2 Familiarisation of the Project and Receiving Environment 2 3.0 Landscape Context 2 3.1 Site Location 2 3.2 Landscape Character 5 3.3 Summary of Context and Character 9 4.0 Statutory Planning Context 9 4.1 The Conservation Act 9 4.2 Resource Management Act 10 4.3 Natural Character (RMA s.6a) 10 4.4 Outstanding Natural Landscape (RMA s.6b) 11 4.5 Amenity Values and the Quality of the Environment (RMA s.7c and 7f) 12 PART B: Landscape and Visual Effects 13 5.0 Introduction 13 5.1 Assessment of Effects 13 6.0 Wharekirauponga Underground Mine 15 6.1 Willows Road Site 15 6.2 Landscape Effects 18 6.3 Natural Character Effects 23 6.4 Visual Effects 26 6.5 Wharekirauponga Underground Mine: Coromandel Forest Park 32 6.6 Landscape Effects 34 6.7 Natural Character Effects 36 6.8 Visual Effects 37 6.9 Recommended Mitigation Measures 38 7.0 Gladstone Open Pit 39 7.1 Site Appraisal 39 7.2 Proposed Development 40 7.3 Landscape Effects 40