Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell is proudly a Toitū carbonzero® consultancy Document Quality Assurance Bibliographic reference for citation: Boffa Miskell Limited 2021. Waihi North Project: Landscape, Natural Character and Visual Effects Assessment. Report prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited for Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited. Prepared by: Rhys Girvan Senior Principal: Landscape Planner Tom Lines Principal: Landscape Planner Reviewed by: Frank Boffa, Consultant Landscape Architect Status: [FINAL] Revision / version: [I] Issue date: 17 June 2022 Use and Reliance This report has been prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited on the specific instructions of our Client. It is solely for our Client’s use for the purpose for which it is intended in accordance with the agreed scope of work. Boffa Miskell does not accept any liability or responsibility in relation to the use of this report contrary to the above, or to any person other than the Client. Any use or reliance by a third party is at that party's own risk. Where information has been supplied by the Client or obtained from other external sources, it has been assumed that it is accurate, without independent verification, unless otherwise indicated. No liability or responsibility is accepted by Boffa Miskell Limited for any errors or omissions to the extent that they arise from inaccurate information provided by the Client or any external source. Template revision: 20150331 0000 File ref: BM210482C_001_Waihi_North_Landscape_and_Visual_20220617.docx Cover photograph: Waihi Process Plant © BML, 2017