Supporting Technical Assessments

OceanaGold Waihi North Project Vibration Performance Assessment Page 39 of 41 Project Number: HP2006-2 Heilig & Partners Save Date: 21/06/2022 5:55:00 PM ABN 56 082 976 714 File Name: WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0018_Rev 0 APPENDIX F – FAVONA PORTAL BLAST RESULTS Blast Location Drilled Length Uncharged Collar Maximum Weight per hole Suppression Overpressure Comments Peak Level Frequency Time Decline at 353m from portal 3.2m 400mm 4.2 kg of ANFO 1. Shield at portal 2. Curtain 120m from portal 3. Insulation 157 Pa 137.9 dBL 18 Hz 0ms #15 delayed blastholes generated 141Pa @ 16.3Hz (137.0 dBL) Decline at 348m from portal 3.2m 400mm 4.2 kg of ANFO 1. Shield at portal 2. Curtain 120m from portal 3. Insulation 175 Pa 138.8 dBL 21 Hz 0ms #15 delayed blastholes next highest Decline at 345m from portal 3.2m 400mm 4.2 kg of ANFO 1. Shield at portal 2. Curtain 120m from portal 3. Insulation 142 Pa 137.0 dBL 22 Hz 7 seconds Highest peaks at 0ms, 4s and 7s Cross Cut at 350m from portal 3.2m 400mm 4.2 kg of ANFO 1. Shield at portal 2. Curtain 120m from portal 3. Insulation 116 Pa 135.3 dBL 22 Hz 0ms #15 delayed blastholes generated 91Pa (133.2 dBL) Cross Cut at 350m from portal 3.2m 400mm 4.2 kg of ANFO 1. Shield at portal 2. Curtain 120m from portal 3. Insulation 154 Pa 137.7 dBL 19 Hz 11.1 s First cut holes generated 134Pa @ 19Hz (136.5 dBL) Cross Cut at 350m from portal 2.5m 400mm 3.2 kg of ANFO 1. Shield at portal 2. Curtain 120m from portal 3. Insulation 133 Pa 136.5 dBL 20 Hz 4.6 seconds Cut holes generated 82Pa @ 21 Hz (132.3 dBL) Cross Cut at 350m from portal 2.5m 400mm 3.2 kg of ANFO 1. Shield at portal 2. Insulation 112 Pa 135.0 dBL 17 Hz 0 ms Cross Cut at 350m from portal 3.2m 400mm 4.2 kg of ANFO No shields 157 Pa 137.9 dBL 21 Hz 0 ms Next highest blastholes at 4.9 seconds at a level of 96Pa (133.6 dBL) Cross Cut at 350m from portal 2.5m 700mm 2.7 kg of ANFO 1. Shield at portal 2. Curtain 120m from portal 3. Truck in decline 4. Insulation 98 Pa 133.8 dBL 18 Hz 0ms Cross Cut at 350m from portal 3.2m 400mm 4.2 kg of ANFO 1. Shield at portal 2. Curtain 120m from portal 3. Truck in decline 4. Insulation 70 Pa 130.9 dBL 18 Hz 4.1 seconds Cut holes generated 62 Pa @ 18Hz (129.8 dBL) Cross Cut at 350m from portal 2.8m 800mm 3.0 kg of ANFO 1. Shield at portal 2. Curtain 120m from portal 3. Truck in decline 4. Insulation 141 Pa 137.0 dBL 23 Hz 0ms Perimeter holes generated 97Pa at 19Hz (10.4 seconds) (133.7 dBL) Cross Cut at 350m from portal 2.8m 800mm 3.0 kg of ANFO 1. Shield at portal 2. Curtain 120m from portal 3. Truck in decline 4. Insulation 128 Pa 136.1 dBL 22 Hz 10.5 seconds Remainder of blast averaged around 60 Pa (129.5 dBL) Cross Cut at 350m from portal 3.2m 400mm 4.2 kg of ANFO No shields 280 Pa 142.9 dBL 31 Hz 10.2 seconds High levels throughout blast Decline at 320m 3.2m 400mm 4.2 kg of ANFO 1. Shield at portal 144 Pa 20 Hz 1.4 seconds