OceanaGold Waihi North Project Vibration Performance Assessment Page 10 of 41 Project Number: HP2006-2 Heilig & Partners Save Date: 21/06/2022 5:55:00 PM ABN 56 082 976 714 File Name: WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0018_Rev 0 (a) Isolated vibration events that occur infrequently and/or irregularly (e.g. only a few times a day) present special concerns to residents and accordingly must also be addressed and managed. This will be done by setting an appropriate standard for transient vibration, to ensure that amenity values are maintained at a reasonable level. Any transient vibration in excess of the standards set may be considered through the resource consent process and the standards set out in this rule will be used a guideline in setting conditions. (b) Vibrations from blasting are impulsive, of short duration and superimposed on background vibration levels (c) Human response to transient vibration can be wide ranging, with the same event being imperceptible to some persons, while causing nuisance to others (d)The standards set to control transient vibration are based on international standards and monitoring and experience, developed to protect and preserve amenity values (e) In considering transient vibration from the perspective of human perception the following levels have been adopted. Transient Vibration Level Less than 0.5mm/s Imperceptible (threshold of perception) 0.5mm/s to 2.0mm/s Slightly perceptible (barely noticeable) Greater than 2.0mm/s Distinctly perceptible (noticeable) (f)Transient vibration levels in excess of 5mm/s have the potential to compromise amenity values (g)As the vibrations are of relatively short duration where VMax is controlled to avoid nuisance the statistical analyses to obtain the 99 percentile vibration levels is of little meaning, as the results depend on the length of vibration record. Accordingly, when monitoring vibrations, the control will be in terms of VMax. (h) Blasting events should be designed in such a way as to comply with the standards set. However, the Council recognises that the prediction of the maximum ground vibration experienced from any particular blast event is dependent upon distance from the source, ground conditions and design of the blasting pattern. A complex relationship exists between these factors and therefore occasional exceedances of Vmax may occur. Section gives standards for vibration and proposes values for continuous and transient vibration. The section on transient vibration is included below: (a)The maximum limits and parameters for ground vibration exposure resulting from activities other than those using explosives or similar impulsive and energetic materials are: Parameter Standard Monday to Saturday 0700-1800 5mm/second peak amplitude (Vmax) All other times and on Sundays and public holidays 1mm/second peak amplitude (Vmax) (b)The maximum limits for ground vibration and overpressure exposure resulting from activities using explosives or similar impulsive and energetic materials are: Parameter Standard (1) Blast Event3 Duration as defined by the delay timing (ie the difference in time between the first and last charge detonation) 1 second (2) Number of Blast Events per holding, or for exploration activities, per exploration or mining permit area 3 per day, separated by an interval of not less than 10 minutes between blast events, and no more than 21 within a calendar year 3 For the purposes of the above standard a “blast event” means an individual or number of linked individual blasted of not more than the total duration specified in (1) above