Lighting Assessment WAI-985-000-REPLC-0019_Rev 0.Docx Waihi North Project Page 29 of 35 21/06/2022 Assessment of Environmental Effects: Lighting REVISION: 0 - Final 3.7 TAILING STORAGE FACILITY 3 (TSF3) 3.7.1 Existing Lighting The area of the proposed TSF3 has no permanent artificial lighting at present. 3.7.2 Proposed Lighting Generally, permanent lighting would not be provided for the TSF3 area with the exception at particular plant locations i.e. decant pumps, switchrooms, etc.(Reference Figure 21 – TSF3 area outlined in blue). Permanent lighting in these locations is expected to be of horizontal flat glass configuration to minimise glare and upward light component. Sensor control of lighting would be considered. Artificial lighting will be required to enable TSF construction to occur outside of daylight hours. Preparatory and operational works for TFS3 activities will occur during the following hours: • Monday-Saturday 7 am to 10 pm*. * Note: Planned works are not proposed between 7pm and 10pm however OGNZL may need to do so in certain circumstances. Lighting associated with works between 10pm and 7am is expected to be of a similar type to that required during the “normal’ operational period. Lighting to support TSF3 construction and operations is likely to consist of the following: • Mobile lighting plant. o Typically, these would consist of diesel-powered LED lighting plant, with 3No. to 6No. LED floodlights mounted on 9m extension poles (Reference Figure 6 for a typical configuration). Luminaires would typically be aimed at a high angle to the ground to provide broad lighting coverage across the rock stacking area. Where practicable, lighting towers would be aimed into the rock stack rather than outwards towards the site boundary. o Mobile plant location and orientation will vary over time in response to construction activities and locations. o OceanaGold has a Standard Operating Procedure for “Towing and Setting up Lighting Plants”. The procedure includes a note “Do not shine towards a public road or buildings”. • Vehicle mounted rotating or flashing amber security beacons. o All vehicles operating on site would be required to have roof mounted security beacons unless parked in designated areas. • Vehicle mounted task lighting may be used to support operations. o This would consist of vehicle mounted floodlights to illuminate the immediate work area. • Standard vehicle head and tail lights. o Required to be used in low light conditions and possibly during some mining activities and in some locations.