Lighting Assessment WAI-985-000-REPLC-0019_Rev 0.Docx Waihi North Project Page 20 of 35 21/06/2022 Assessment of Environmental Effects: Lighting REVISION: 0 - Final o Mobile plant location and orientation will vary over time in response to mining activities and locations. o OGNZL has a Standard Operating Procedure for “Towing and Setting up Lighting Plants”. The procedure includes a note “Do not shine towards a public road or buildings”. • Vehicle mounted rotating or flashing amber security beacons. o All vehicles on site would be required to have roof mounted security beacons operating unless parked in designated areas. • Vehicle mounted task lighting may be used to support mining operations. o This would consist of vehicle mounted floodlights to illuminate the immediate work area. • Standard vehicle head and tail lights. o Required to be used in low light conditions and possibly during some mining activities and in some locations. • Permanent Lighting for New Crusher and interconnecting Conveyor for transporting waste rock to the NRS o Lighting would typically be provided to operational areas of plant including access walkways, adjacent to control panels, service access locations, etc. Lighting would be permanent and would consist of LED luminaires mounted either directly on the plant or on lighting poles associated with the plant or independently. Existing conveyor lighting is shown in Figure 9. Figure 9: Lighting to Existing Conveyor Systems o Where practicable, luminaires with minimal upward light component and low glare would be selected. • Lighting to Mine portals and associated infrastructure o Lighting would typically be provided adjacent to the entries to mine portals. Lighting would be permanent and would consist of LED luminaires mounted on lighting poles in the vicinity to the portals. o Where practicable, luminaires would be mounted so that there is zero upward light component.