Lighting Assessment WAI-985-000-REPLC-0019_Rev 0.Docx Waihi North Project Page 19 of 35 21/06/2022 Assessment of Environmental Effects: Lighting REVISION: 0 - Final 3.4 GLADSTONE OPEN PIT 3.4.1 Existing Lighting There is no permanent lighting in the area proposed for the Gladstone Open Pit (GOP), other than that associated with the existing Favona portal. 3.4.2 Proposed Lighting The proposed GOP will be located adjacent to the existing Processing Plant area and into the existing Gladstone Hill and part of the Winner Hill (Reference Figure 8). Mining could occur up to 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, subject to complying with noise limitations. Artificial lighting will be required to enable mining operations outside of daylight hours. Figure 8: Gladstone Pit and Surface Infrastructure Lighting to support mining operations is likely to consist of the following: • Mobile lighting plant. o Typically, these would consist of diesel-powered LED lighting plant, with 3No. to 6No. LED floodlights mounted on 9m extension poles (Reference Figure 6 for a typical configuration). Luminaires would typically be aimed at a high angle (measured from the vertical below the luminaire to the centre peak aiming point) to the ground to provide broad lighting coverage across the mining area. Where practicable, lighting towers would be aimed into the mine site rather than outwards towards the mine boundary. o Mobile lighting plant may be located at key haul road intersections if required for vehicle safety