88 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 The Waihi North Biodiversity Project is large enough that a variety of biodiversity benefits would accrue for a range of species and habitats typical of the Waihi Ecological District and southern Coromandel generally. The specific details (including the name, goals and objectives) of the project are to be developed in consultation with partners and stakeholders, and this process has begun. 8.7 Summary of Effects Management Table 15: Summary of effects management associated with the WUG at Willows Road Farm and Coromandel Forest Park Location Potential Effect Impact management Willows Road Farm Vegetation habitat / clearance, primarily in the rock stack footprint (2,500 m2) Vegetation clearance protocols to ensure there are no active bird nests and lizards present Revegetation and remediation of rock stack area at mine closure Riparian planting is described in the Freshwater and Wetland Ecological Assessment. Fence riparian margin to protect vegetation to be retained. The proposed area of revegetation of riparian margin is 56,619 m2. Construction noise effects on fauna Installation of external ventilation fan in an insulated shipping container. Discharges to air Project design and construction best practise Coromandel Forest Park Vegetation and habitat loss for duration of mining in vent raise footprint (600 m2) Site selection processes to avoid habitats occupied by native lizards, frogs and nesting birds. Remediation following mine closure including removing vent shaft and exclusion fence, weed control, returning wood debris and fern stumps to cleared area. Replanting and facilitating natural regeneration of a 4.15 ha area on the north-east ridge of Willows Road Farm Episodic Noise from Vent Construction and Helicopter Activity Use of small helicopter, managing number of flights Construction works only occur during the day and for a limited time over winter (out of active / breeding season). Continuous Noise from Ventilation Fan Vent designed to fit fan to base of shafts to minimise noise experienced at the surface Water and Air Discharge from Ventilation Raise Effects on Fauna Vent design to include good design practice to increase dispersion of particulate and gaseous emissions Buffer and fencing around vent shafts to prevent fauna access Dampen exposed underground surfaces