Lighting Assessment WAI-985-000-REPLC-0019_Rev 0.Docx Waihi North Project Page 17 of 35 21/06/2022 Assessment of Environmental Effects: Lighting REVISION: 0 - Final Production Stage During the mine’s production stage, many of the support facilities will be located underground, including workshops, crib rooms, explosives magazines and re-fuelling bowsers. Vehicle movements within the site will therefore be greatly reduced. During the first two years of this period there will be no dump truck movements to the rock stack. After the first two years, these will then commence as waste rock is returned underground. Permanent lighting would be provided to specific locations throughout the Willows Road SFA but the whole site would not be fully illuminated. Operational, safety, and security lighting would be required to support the production stage as follows: • Luminaire Colour Temperature: Exterior luminaires would use 3000K, or warmer, LEDs wherever practicable to minimise the lighting wavelengths at the cooler end of the spectrum. LEDs at the warmer end of the spectrum (3000K) are more friendly to night sky observers and fauna than those at the cooler end of the spectrum (4000K). • Site Entrance from Willows Road: Pole mounted luminaire(s) adjacent to the site entry gate at the northern end of Willows Road. • Car/Vehicle Parking areas, Bus Stop, Pedestrian Walkways, Roadways: Pole mounted luminaires mounted in horizontal flat glass configuration with zero upward light component. Pole heights in the range of 7 metres to 12 metres. • Buildings: Building mounted bulkhead lighting (ideally with zero upward light component) • Workshop Exterior: Lighting to the exterior maintenance area would consist of asymmetric LED luminaires (with backlight shields if required to minimise lighting to vertical facades and roofs) mounted in horizontal flat glass configuration with zero upward light component, to minimise lighting effects. Existing lighting in the Baxter Road Process Plant area consists of area floodlights aimed outwards from the façade of the building (Reference Figure 7). It is understood that these are to be replaced with asymmetric LED luminaires as noted above. • Interior lighting visible through unshielded windows. • Vehicle mounted rotating or flashing amber security beacons (24 hours per day). • Standard vehicle head and tail lights (24 hours per day in and out of the mine). • Mine Portal: Lighting would be provided adjacent to the mine portal using area floodlights and bulkhead luminaires. Ideally floodlights would be mounted in horizontal flat glass configuration with zero upward light component, to minimise lighting effects.