Supporting Technical Assessments

Lighting Assessment WAI-985-000-REPLC-0019_Rev 0.Docx Waihi North Project Page 13 of 35 21/06/2022 Assessment of Environmental Effects: Lighting REVISION: 0 - Final 3.3 WHAREKIRAUPONGA UNDERGROUND MINE 3.3.1 Existing Lighting Most of the area proposed for the Willows Road SFA is presently farmland with no permanent lighting. There is limited lighting in the wider area - associated with the few residential buildings and farm outbuildings. No road lighting exists in the immediate area of the surface infrastructure. The lighting appears as disparate light sources within a predominantly dark environment. There is no road lighting at the intersection of Willows Road and State Highway 25 (SH25). 3.3.2 Proposed Lighting The majority of the WUG site will be below ground, such that below ground artificial lighting effects will not be visible externally. It is noted that no major facilities will be located underground in the first 4 to 5 years. Permanent surface infrastructure to support mining operations would be constructed in the Willows Road SFA. Artificial lighting will be required to support the project through its four key stages (Reference Mitchell Daysh, Willows Road Farm Surface Facilities Area Sub-AEE Area 2, Section 3), namely: • SFA Construction • Tunnel Construction • Production • Closure The lighting associated with each of these project stages is outlined below. Screen planting is proposed in the area between the SFA and the top end of Willows Road which could provide some shielding from lighting effects. Artificial lighting will be required during construction to support night works on the State Highway 25 and Willows Road intersection. Permanent roadway intersection lighting will be required at the completed intersection in accordance with Waka Kotahi’s approved designs (ideally these will use flat glass LED luminaires). SFA and Willows Road/SH25 Intersection Construction Stage Works to construct the SFA associated with the Wharekirauponga site would be undertaken between the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday (reference Mitchell Daysh, Willows Road Farm Surface Facilities Area Sub-AEE Area 2, Section 3 and Figure 5 for a plan showing the proposed permanent above-ground facilities). The works would be undertaken in shifts and consist of bulk earthworks and building/civil works construction. Similar construction hours would be applied to the service trench, however night time works would be required where the trench intersects Willows Road and State Highway 25 to minimise traffic disruption.