Supporting Technical Assessments

Lighting Assessment WAI-985-000-REPLC-0019_Rev 0.Docx Waihi North Project Page 9 of 35 21/06/2022 Assessment of Environmental Effects: Lighting REVISION: 0 - Final b. Environmental Zone A2: Described as “Low district brightness” with examples: “Sparsely inhabited rural and semi-rural areas” c. Environmental Zone A3: Described as “Medium district brightness” with examples: “Suburban areas in towns and cities”. In considering the locations of the various elements of the WNP they could be assessed as follows: a. Willows Road SFA: Zone A1 or A2 b. Gladstone Pit: Zone A2 or A3 c. Northern Rock Stack: Zone A2 d. Processing Plant: Zone A2 or A3 e. Tailings Storage Facility TF3: Zone A2 3.2.1 Spill Light Spill light is defined by AS/NZS 4282: 2019 as “light emitted by an installation that falls outside of the design area. Spill light may or may not be obtrusive depending on what it effects”. AS/NZS 4282 identifies light technical parameter (LTP) Vertical Illuminance with respect to spill lighting. Vertical Illuminance (EV) (measured in lux) is the total luminous flux (measured in Lumens) incident on a vertical surface, per unit area. The maximum non-curfew limits in the Standard are 2 lux (for Zone A1), 5 lux (for Zone A2), and 10 lux (for Zone A3) and maximum curfew limits are 0.1 lux (for Zone A1), 1 lux (for Zone A2), and 2 lux (for Zone A3). AS/NZS 4282: 2019 accepts that a higher level of light may be less obtrusive in the early hours of the evening when there is more activity, and most people are awake. For later times (in the curfew period) lower limits are applied. Unless otherwise specified by the controlling authority, the curfew period is taken as between 11:00pm and 06:00am. The Hauraki District Plan specifies a spill light maximum, measured horizontally or vertically of no greater than 8.0 lux. This level is comparable with the A2 and A3 zones in the standard. With respect to the Waihi North Project, the Hauraki District Plan spill light level of 8.0 lux (lumens per square metre) is used as the basis for assessment. 3.2.2 Glare Glare is defined by AS/NZS 2842:2019 as a: Condition of vision in which there is discomfort or a reduction in ability to see, or both, caused by an unsuitable distribution or range of luminance, or to extreme contrasts in the field of vision. The two terms that are normally used to describe the effects of glare on the ability to see are disability and discomfort. AS/NZS 2842: 2019 defines these as: Disability Glare: Glare that impairs the visibility of objects without necessarily causing discomfort.