Lighting Assessment WAI-985-000-REPLC-0019_Rev 0.Docx Waihi North Project Page 8 of 35 21/06/2022 Assessment of Environmental Effects: Lighting REVISION: 0 - Final No assessment is made of lighting associated with closure and rehabilitation except as noted, as it is understood that such works would only be undertaken during daylight hours. 3.2 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The impact of artificial lighting on the night-time environment can be characterised by the following effects (refer to Appendix B for a Glossary of Lighting Terms): a. Spill Light b. Glare c. Sky Glow AS/NZS 4282 2019, Section 2.4.1 “Effects on Residents” outlines the specific effects that need to be considered with respect to residents: “2.4.1 Effects on residents Effects on residents generally involve a perceived reduction of amenity arising from light technical factors such as the following: (a) The illumination from spill light being obtrusive, particularly where the light enters habitable rooms. The illuminance on surfaces, particularly vertical surfaces, is an indicator of this effect. (b) The direct view of bright luminaires from normal viewing directions causing annoyance, distraction or even discomfort. The luminous intensity of a luminaire, in a nominated direction, is an indicator of this effect. (c) Changes in luminance in the peripheral vision due to effects such as variable content in signage or trees moving across bright lights. The tolerable levels of each of these light technical parameters will be influenced by the ambient lighting existing in the environment where the light technical parameters are being calculated.” (Note: “Bolding” of text added in this document). Where “obtrusive” light is defined as follows: “1.4.9 Obtrusive light Light that, because of quantitative, directional or spectral attributes in a given context, gives rise to excessive annoyance, discomfort, distraction or a reduction in the ability to see essential information.” AS/NZS 4282: 2019 uses various Light Technical Parameters (LTP) to assess potential lighting effects. Different limits for the parameters are applied based upon the ambient light conditions. These ambient conditions are set for various environmental zones. AS/NZS 4282: 2019 introduces the concept of lighting curfew periods, during which lower light technical parameters are set. Unless otherwise specified by the controlling authority, the lighting curfew period is taken as between 11:00pm and 06:00am. The environmental zones (AS/NZS 4282: 2019 Table 3.1 “Environmental Zones”) potentially applicable to the various WNP locations are as follows: a. Environmental Zone A1: Described as “Dark” with examples: “Relatively uninhabited rural areas” and “No road lighting – unless required by the road controlling authority”