Lighting Assessment WAI-985-000-REPLC-0019_Rev 0.Docx Waihi North Project Page 4 of 35 21/06/2022 Assessment of Environmental Effects: Lighting REVISION: 0 - Final 2. SITUATION 2.1 GENERAL The Waihi North Project will build upon the existing mining activities in and around the township of Waihi and consists of the following key areas to be considered from an artificial lighting perspective: a. Wharekirauponga Underground Mine (WUG): A new underground mine at Wharekirauponga, just north of Waihi. This mine will have associated above ground infrastructure on private land at the end of Willows Road, Waihi. b. Gladstone Open Pit (GOP): A new opencast mine directly to the west of the existing OGNZL Waihi Processing Plant. c. Northern Rock Stack (NRS): A rock storage facility to the north of the current tailings’ storage facilities. d. Processing Plant and Water Treatment Plant Upgrades: Upgrade of the Processing Plant and Water Treatment Plant to provide more capacity. e. Tailings Storage: A new tailings storage facility (TSF3) to be developed to the east of the current facilities. Additional tailings storage would also occur within the GOP once mining is complete. The above ground infrastructure area associated with the WUG will be located on existing farmland at the northern end of Willows Road and south of the Coromandel Forest Park - in an area referred to as the Willows Road Surface Facilities Area (Willows Road SFA). (Reference Figure 1) The balance of the proposed project areas are adjacent to the existing mining activities at the Waihi mine. (Reference Figure 2)