86 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 8.5.5 Biodiversity Compensation Model (BCM) and Biodiversity Offset Accounting Model (BOAM) OceanaGold Waihi are committed to undertake biodiversity offset / compensation modelling based on the technical detailed contained in this report (and others). This will be provided in a separate document. 8.5.6 Biodiversity and Frog Monitoring Programme Outcome monitoring is required to assess the efficacy of the pest control programme to offset potential impacts of the WUG on fauna species. For this project, there is uncertainty over the level of response by frogs (in particular, and fauna species generally) to mining activities and how they might respond to the proposed pest management. Dr Ussher’s assessment (RMA Ecology, 2022) provides detail regarding a proposed monitoring design for Archey’s frogs that is provided in brief below and adapted for a wider biodiversity monitoring programme. The design of the pest animal control programme allows for a robust BACI (Before, After, Control, Impact) monitoring design. The levels of treatment comparisons that will be included are: 1. Within the >2 mm/ second vibration zone subject to intensive pest animal control; 2. In adjoining area where there is no mine-related vibration, but there is intensive pest animal control; and 3. In an area to the west of the WUG intensive pest animal control area, where there is no vibration or additional pest animal control as a result of this project. Three sites therefore allow the comparison of potential effects or benefits of vibration and pest animal control compared to a baseline of the existing level of pests and pest control applied to the southern Coromandel Peninsula. A biodiversity monitoring programme will be developed based on existing baseline data and methodologies (see Section 4.2) to assess the ecological benefit of pest management on vegetation and fauna species in the three treatment areas over time. We recognise that effective response monitoring of Archey’s frogs is difficult and may require a long time period to evaluate population level changes. An Archey’s frog monitoring programme will be developed with input from frog experts in DOC and Council. 8.6 Additional Ecological Benefits 8.6.1 Definition and Background Principles employed in the development of this Project are to first avoid impacts, then minimise / mitigate them and seek opportunities to provide positive benefits We note that as the residual