Supporting Technical Assessments

Lighting Assessment WAI-985-000-REPLC-0019_Rev 0.Docx Waihi North Project 21/06/2022 Assessment of Environmental Effects: Lighting REVISION: 0 - Final QUALITY ASSURANCE STATEMENT Prepared by: Andrew Read, Director, Pedersen Read Limited Internal review by: Cathie Connew (Risk Consultant) & Darryl Joines (Lighting Specialist), Pedersen Read Limited DOCUMENT STATUS Revision Date Type A 10/12/2021 DRAFT for Internal Review B 13/12/2021 DRAFT for External Review C 17/12/2021 FINAL DRAFT incorporating comments D 17/06/2022 FINAL: Incorporating comments E 21/06/2022 FINAL: Incorporating comments 0 21/06/2022 FINAL DISTRIBUTION Revision Date Issued to A 10/12/2021 Cathie Connew, Darryl Joines – Pedersen Read B 13/12/2021 Ethan Glover, Mitchell Daysh C 17/12/2021 Ethan Glover, Mitchell Daysh D 17/06/2022 Ethan Glover, Mitchell Daysh E 21/06/2022 Ethan Glover, Mitchell Daysh 0 21/06/2022 Ethan Glover, Mitchell Daysh DISCLAIMER This report has been prepared solely for the benefit of OceanaGold. No liability is accepted by Pedersen Read Ltd or by any Principal, Director, Servant or agent of this Company in respect of its use by any other person. Any other person who relies upon any matter contained within this report does so entirely at his/her own risk.