WA IHI NORTH PROJ ECT ECONOMI C IMPACTS For New Zealand consenting purposes only. Forward looking information must not be relied on for investment purposes. 12 OfficeMax, Envirowaste, Orion, Skellerup and Constellation NZ. It would be a very large and economically significant entity based in the Hauraki District. Baseline gold and silver exports is $163m a year over 10 years to 2030. With WNP, there will be additional exports averaging $265m over the 2024-2036 period. For context, total gold and silver exports over the next decade from Waihi would be equivalent to 81% of crayfish exports, 72% of wool exports, 38% of apple exports, 37% of fresh fish exports, and 11% of Kiwifruit exports. It would be a significant exporting entity.3 Figure 4: Total exports would more than triple Figure 5: Royalties paid would be 4.1 times larger with WNP 3 All export figures refer to March 2022 year. - 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 2021 2026 2031 2036 $m Export Revenue Baseline Waihi North - 5 10 15 20 25 2021 2026 2031 2036 $m Royalty Payments Baseline Waihi North