Supporting Technical Assessments

WA IHI NORTH PROJ ECT ECONOMI C IMPACTS For New Zealand consenting purposes only. Forward looking information must not be relied on for investment purposes. 10 For context, there are 11 projects worth $500m-$1b in the infrastructure pipeline monitored by the Infrastructure Commission (as at June 2022). They are: • Waikeria Prison Build • Whangarei hospital redevelopment • Tauhara Power Station • Auckland airport terminal integration • Canterbury multi use arena (stadium) • KiwiRail’s Central North Island Freight Hub and Main North Line Reinstatement Project and Interisland Ferry replacement • Some very large roading projects: Puhoi to Warkworth, New State Highway Construction - Te Ahu a Turanga: Manawatu Tararua Highway, SH1 Whangarei to Port Marsden Upgrade, and SH1 Otaki to North Levin Improvements. More well-paid jobs and expenditure in the Hauraki District WNP will be transformational for the region. It will increase production and mine life. Employment growth in the Hauraki District is strongly influenced by fortunes of mining in Waihi because the mine directly and indirectly accounts for a significant portion (10%+) of local jobs. Figure 2 shows that employment will increase significantly when WNP overlaps with existing programmes, and extend employment beyond 2030 alongside mine life, average 357 FTE per year (during the operational phase of 2024-2036). We estimate that 30% of purchases (operating and capital) for WNP will be from businesses located in Hauraki District. This will support an estimate 151 FTE in suppliers and a further 328 FTE from spill-over effects, on average per year in the production period (2024-2036). Figure 2: There will more jobs and for longer - 200 400 600 800 1,000 2021 2026 2031 2036 FTE persons Employment Baseline Waihi North