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WA IHI NORTH PROJ ECT ECONOMI C IMPACTS For New Zealand consenting purposes only. Forward looking information must not be relied on for investment purposes. 7 o At Waihi, it provided employment for 268 people in 2019, at well above average income levels (over $100,000 per year vs $63,300 nationally). o At Waihi, its purchases from suppliers and related spill-overs in 2019 supported a further 992 jobs in other parts of the economy. o At Waihi, it adds $103m or 0.03% to the national economy and is highly productive ($392,000 per employee vs economy wide average of $115,000). o It will continue to be a significant economic entity for the duration of the life of the mine to 2030. Table 1: Economic contribution of the Waihi mine in 2019 and 2020 (2020 was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and reduced ore availability at Correnso). Sources: Company data, Statistics NZ, MBIE and Sense Partners estimates Economic contribution to NZ metrics by By OGNZL – Waihi Operation 2019 2020 Input indicators Metric Life of mine Years n/a n/a Revenue/exports $m, 2019, cumulative 150 26 All merchandise exports $m, 2019 58,628 59,933 Share of 2019 total exports %, pa 0.3% 0.0% Employees - Direct #, pa 268 257 Indirectly in suppliers #, pa 992 950 Total: Direct & Indirect #, pa 1,260 1,207 Capital expenditure $m, 2019, cumulative 34 102 Purchases from suppliers $m, 2019 47 24 Of which from: Local $m, 2019 14 8 National $m, 2019 26 12 International $m, 2019 7 4 Contribution to GDP 2019 2020 Compensation of employees $m, 2019, cumulative 31 30 Gross operating surplus $m, 2019, cumulative 70 26 Estimated royalties paid $m, 2019, cumulative 2 2 Gross value added $m, 2019, cumulative 103 59 Share of economy: Waihi area % 33.8% 21.9% Hauraki District % 14.1% 9.0% Waikato Region % 0.4% 0.2% New Zealand % 0.03% 0.02% Context, GDP ($m): 2019 2020 Waihi Ward 305 269 Hauraki District 731 649 Waikato Region 26,571 27,884 New Zealand 306,719 323,140 Waihi