Supporting Technical Assessments

Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ // Transportation Assessment - Waihi North Project 38 Hauraki District Plan Section 5.1 Rural Zone Rural Permitted Activity Performance Standard Comments (b) the ability of the site to accommodate the activity requirements for on-site parking, loading and manoeuvring areas; (c) the means by which any likely adverse traffic effects can be avoided, remedied or mitigated; (d) the access, parking and loading standards for Permitted Activities which shall be used as a guideline in assessing applications for Discretionary Activities; (e) the comments of New Zealand Transport Agency on the possible adverse effects on the safe and efficient operation of the state highway network. (5) The degree to which the activity will cause demands for the uneconomic or premature upgrading or extension of public services, including roading, which are not in the interests of the Region, the District or locality. (7) The degree to which the location of buildings is such as to retain clear visibility along rural roads and to provide space for vehicle access and loading on the site clear of the road. (18) Whether the hours of operation are appropriate having regard to those persons likely to be affected by the activity Can and recommended to comply. Recommendations included in report. Can comply with HDP standards. Preliminary consultation has been undertaken and Waka Kotahi feedback to date considered in this report. Recommendations included pertaining to evaluation of the potential for pavement deterioration NA – all buildings clear of the proposed access. All loading on site Hours of operation have been considered as part of the traffic assessment Section 7.9 – Transport Network 7.9.3 – Objectives and Policies (1) OBJECTIVE 1 Provide and maintain a safe and efficient transport network that will meet current and planned future demands with minimal effects on the environment and adjoining land uses. (2) OBJECTIVE 2 Ensure the adverse effects of activities outside the road reserve on the safety and efficiency of the transport network are avoided, remedied or mitigated. (a) Policies Objectives 1 and 2 will be achieved by implementation of the following policies: (i) Establish and maintain a hierarchy of roads and streets and require the design and formation of the roads and streets according to their traffic and access functions and road user (including pedestrians and cyclists) requirements appropriate to the location. (ii) Develop an Asset Management Plan, Hauraki Long Term Plan and Annual Plan process to match funding with the required standard of District Road or street construction appropriate to the status of the road or street in the hierarchy. (iii) Develop financial and/or development contributions strategies to ensure that roads and streets are upgraded and formed to match the demands that specific subdivision and development activities will place upon them. (iv) Recognise that the function of the transport network may have a detrimental effect on adjacent land use activities and manage the development of adjoining land accordingly. (v) Manage land use, vehicle access and traffic management to maintain the safe and efficient operation of the transport Objectives have been considered and will be achieved by implementation of the following policies. Mitigation recommendations consider the appropriate standards for the road classifications Not applicable to project – although depending on the contribution regime to be agreed with HDC there may be a need in include pavement maintenance in the Annual Plan. Recommendations on appropriate strategies have been included and will be discussed with HDC. Development of land adjoining Willows Road and Baxter Road will not be limited by the proposal.