Supporting Technical Assessments

Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ Ltd // Waihi North Project Transportation Assessment 37 l) Management of arrivals and departures over the construction period including both the workforce (using staggered shift times) and heavy vehicles. m) Management of aggregate cartage routes, including any necessary measures relating to the use of Crean Road by heavy vehicles travelling to and from the Mine Site via Baxter Road . n) Confirmation and monitoring of traffic distribution and performance at the intersection of Willows Road with SH25, and Baxter Road with SH2 for the identified periods. o) Identification and provision of adequate on-site parking for project duration (at Baxter Road and Kenny Street gates). p) Measures to manage the bussing of shift workers to Willow Road Facilities. q) Management of deliveries to site. 8 District Plans Objectives and Policies The site and the local roads to be used for access to the site operations are within the Rural Zone of the HDP. In relation to transport matters the relevant objectives and policies of the Rural and Transport sections of the HDP have been considered as set out in Table 10. In summary, the project is designed to be managed in a complementary manner to each of the operative District Plan’s objectives and policies relating to transport. Table 10: HDP Relevant Transport Provisions of Rural and Transport Sections Hauraki District Plan Section 5.1 Rural Zone Rural Permitted Activity Performance Standard Comments 5.1.2 Objectives and Policies (4) OBJECTIVE 4 To ensure that adverse effects of a land use activity on the environment or on the amenities of neighbours are avoided, remedied or mitigated. (a) Policies Objective 4 will be achieved by implementation of the following policies: (ii) Ensure the implications of land use activities for the safety and efficiency of the roading network (especially through the integration of land uses with the roading network) are properly addressed. (iii) Other adverse effects (eg noise, smell, glare, vibration, visual) on the environment and amenity of the District (particularly where they are near to residential or other sensitive activities) should where practicable be avoided, or remedied or mitigated. Safety and efficiency of the roading network between the site and for the point of entry to the state highway network have been assessed and addressed in this report To be addressed by other experts 5.1.7 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA FOR DISCRETIONARY ACTIVITIES When assessing any application for a Discretionary Activity, Council shall have regard to the relevant development standards, activity specific standards, environmental results and assessment criteria for Permitted, Controlled and Restricted Discretionary Activities in Rules 5.1.4 to 5.1.6, and the relevant General and Activity Specific assessment criteria below, and any other matters it considers appropriate. GENERAL ASSESSMENT CRITERIA (4) Whether traffic movements resulting from the activity wi ll have any significant impact on the safe and efficient operation of any road. Pertinent matters for consideration in this regard are: (a) the carrying capacity, standard and status in the roading hierarchy of the road concerned; Assessed in this report.