Supporting Technical Assessments

WAI-985-000-LC-0007 Term Meaning RECCE RECCE plot methodology is the collection of vegetation data within a 20 x 20 m plot (Hurst & Allen, 2007). RPS Regional Policy Statement WUG SFA Surface Facilities Area located on farmland at the end of Willows Road to service the new Wharekirauponga Underground Mine Significant Natural Area (SNA) Areas of significant terrestrial indigenous vegetation or significant habitats of indigenous fauna located either on land or in freshwater environments identified in District Plans. SNAs are assessed using the criteria for determining significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna contained in the Waikato Regional Policy Statement, and nationally recognised criteria. The sites are identified on the planning maps and are listed in the schedule at the end of Section 6.2 as Significant Natural Areas. Site A habitat assemblage within the Project area identified and assessed by the Project team. Terrestrial Land-based (i.e. terrestrial vegetation, terrestrial fauna). Torpor Decreased physiological activity in an animal, usually by a reduced body temperature and metabolic rate. Vent Raise 1 A ventilation shaft located on the Willows Road Farm. Located close to Department of Conservation land on the western boundary of the property. Vent Raises 2-5 Ventilation shafts located on Hauraki District Council owned, gazetted “paper” roads within the Department of Conservation controlled Coromandel Forest Park. WAA Wildlife Act Authority Willows Access Tunnel A decline connecting the WUG Surface Facilities Area with the dual tunnels commencing at Vent Raise 1. Willows Portal The access portal to the decline tunnel from the WUG surface facilities, located at the end of Willows Road, Waihi. Willows Road Farm A farm property of 197 hectares located at the end of Willows Road, Waihi, on which surface infrastructure and a