Supporting Technical Assessments

Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ // Transportation Assessment - Waihi North Project 36 It is recommended that all parking is provided for on-site at the respective demand locations which includes at the Baxter Road facilities (around 320 spaces), the Willows Road facilities (around 50 spaces), and at the Kenny Street access (around 150 spaces) with consideration to the buses. The number of spaces will be confirmed at the time of detailed design and a condition with respect to this requirement is appropriate. Parking demands at the offices on Moresby Avenue are expected to be similar to existing traffic patterns with no significant changes in demand. It is recommended that sufficient parking areas are provided to cater for all expected vehicles on site, and from an on-site operational perspective that the parking areas are separate from heavy vehicle routes. There is space on site to accommodate to enable this to be achieved. 7.7 Project Traffic Management Plan (PTMP) Several traffic elements of the WNP have been identified herein as being appropriately managed by a PTMP at the time of construction. A Traffic Management Plan that focuses on construction is common for projects of this size and are prepared with the involvement of the road controlling authorities and the contractors prior to construction. For this project, while the focus is also on the construction period, the TMP will cover the full project period and therefore is appropriately labelled a Project Traffic Management Plan (PTMP). The PTMP will be required to be submitted to the HDC before physical works begin. The objective of the PTMP will be to ensure the various recommendations with respect to management of traffic recommended in this report are implemented and the effects of construction traffic appropriately managed to minimise effects on other road users. The PTMP shall, as a minimum, address the following: a) Ensure all specific legislative requirements and consent conditions in relation to construction traffic are adhered to. b) Construction programme, traffic volumes and routes for each phase of work. c) Encourage a culture of road safety awareness and commitment . d) Outline driver protocols (e.g. with respect to speed, queuing and courtesy) . e) Over-weight and over-dimension loads and permits as required. f) Management of potential effects on farm operations (including stock crossings). g) School bus routes and timetables. h) Monitoring (including road pavement). i) Communication arrangements (keep the local community informed of construction operations and encourage participation in maximising safety and minimising disruption); Provide stakeholders with a clear understanding of the confirmed construction programme, traffic volumes during each stage, the road improvements to be undertaken, and the management measures being implemented . j) Temporary traffic management required to: a. Manage existing road users with respect to construction traffic associated with work in the road corridor (e.g. trenching on road corridors for power and communications supply - to be separately permitted). b. Manage proposed road upgrades at the intersection of SH25 and Willows Road . c. Manage the delivery of oversize loads (if any). d. Manage the haulage of large volumes of aggregate if the aggregate haul route includes the use of Crean Road and Baxter Road together (and provide to the Hauraki District Council a TMP for certification at least 30 working days prior to the haulage of aggregate first occurring ). e. During the construction phase of the Baxter Road Facilities: i. Manage the end of the day shift time for traffic associated with construction work (for clarity not operational traffic) using Baxter Road gate to ensure traffic is spread over a minimum of an hour (i.e. have a minimum of three end of shift times at 20 min separation of equal numbers). ii. Manage heavy vehicle movements associated with construction (including materials deliveries and logging trucks) to occur substantially outside of peak hours i.e. 9 am to 4pm. iii. Prepare and implement an adaptive approach to construction traffic management with the ability to make changes to reflect any issues that may arise related to transportation. k) Monitor the performance of traffic flows on the one lane bridge on Willows Road and if any unacceptable queuing occurs, then implement additional traffic management.