Supporting Technical Assessments

Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ // Transportation Assessment - Waihi North Project 30 Figure 36: Tracking Path of Truck and Trailer at Willows Road / SH25 Intersection 7.3 SH2/ Baxter Road Intersection The Baxter Road / SH2 intersection has been modelled (using SIDRA intersection modelling pack age) to identify the expected performance during peak hours at various stages of the project. Based on the traffic generation data described above, the following scenarios have been identified as being the most critical for modelling: • Year 2024 of the project Year 4 when the additional staff from the project result in a peak in the workforce demands at Baxter Road gate. This correlates to the peak period for traffic demands at Baxter Road. • Year 2030 of the project which is the penultimate year when the consented traffic of Project Martha will be using Baxter Road, and WNP traffic adds to the total (2031 is the last year but with significantly less traffic expected). • Year 2034 being the last year with traffic generated at Baxter Road when although the project traffic will be relatively low, background growth of SH2 traffic is expected to have accumulated to its highest level of the project lifetime. Peak hour movements have been assessed based on: • SH2 volumes for the peak evening hour ending 6 pm factored for growth and seasonally adjusted ; • Site departures occurring within 30 min of 5pm and based on similar directional splits as surveyed at the intersection in 2019 (ie peak flow factor of 50% applied); • All modelling to SIDRA default values unless noted otherwise; and • Morning peak hour site arrivals (for 7am start) modelled with state highway flows ending 8am (conservative approach in the morning period) with 90% are modelled as from the south. 7.3.1 Year 2024 Modelling PM The following Table 4 shows the expected performance of the intersection with only the consented Martha traffic for the peak flow year – 2024 of the project.